Miah looked to the guitarist in absolute curiosity, nodding quickly as she dashed out of the training area briefly, urging the young man to follow her quickly, running out the whole recruitment area, trying to get to the market place as fast as she possibly could. She needed to find who was making the music and to see if they were also ‘blessed’ by the glorious goddess of music herself. Upon getting to the market place she looked furiously around for this ‘musician’ she so wanted to see, but it seems the song has already finished upon her unfortunate arrival. She wasn't happy as she was pushed onto the floor by the stampeding crowds leaving, getting up quickly afterwards in a obvious annoyed manner. ‘Urrgh!! Can’t others have respect around here!!!?’ Miah grunted under her breath, feeling rather offended by what had just happened. Upon getting up she finally noticed the noise-maker, a elven man so it appeared to be; the crowds were still rushing around trying to leave the area so what she did was… in-explainable. She got out her sleigh bells, making them sound louder and louder until the elf would hopefully heed her call, the winds getting rougher and rougher as she did so. It did catch the attention of the crowds but if it will attract the attention of the elven musician, she wouldn't know.