Name: Tahoma Name Meaning: "Frozen water" Age: 2 years Gender: M Breed: Gray wolf [hr] Appearance:[hider] [img][/img][/hider] [hr] Personality: Tahoma, on the surface, is cheerful and fun loving. He tries to find enjoyment in everything he possibly can, and is not afraid to try new things. However, beneath his cheerful demeanor is a surprisingly deep person. Tahoma is something of an existentialist, and believes that his life is dictated by the choices he makes. It doesn't matter what situation he is thrust into, he believes that the best choice is the one he himself gets to make, and will never agree to something that has been imposed on him. Tahoma is also very emphatic, to the point that it feels supernatural. Another core of his personality is his drive to repay all his debts. If he owes someone, he will stop at nothing to pay them back. He is surprisingly straightforward and scarcely tells lies, even small ones. History (much thanks to [@AcaciaMalikov] for helping me with the history) : Tahoma wasn't much of a follower, though much of his life depended on him being able to follow his leaders, from the day he could help hunt it was always about listening and doing as he was told. While he didn't always approve to being commanded about, he never stood against his Alphas, much wiser and stronger than he, they made sure the safety of the pack was top priority. So, when he wanted to do his own, they disapproved and made it clear he needed to follow the packs laws, though he never caused problems he simply liked to guide himself. At about 1 year and around 8 months, he'd found himself leaving the large group he called home, the Alphas standing tall as they watched him leave, his mother watching at a distance as he left the territory and she'd let loose a gentle cry. He wandered aimlessly for the next few weeks, listening to himself and following his own decisions as he brought down small prey such as rabbits and the occasional sheep. Along his travels he came across a pair of wolves like himself, only a few months older than him, they seemed to be in search of the same thing as him... A place to settle and begin a new life. None of them hadn't eaten for at least two days and they'd quickly agreed to work together to bring down a decently sized prey, in which they succeeded and scored a female Red Deer. He'd watched Aiyana's brother immediately remove himself from the downed beast as his sister dug into the warm flesh, preparing to wait himself he was quite shocked upon being allowed to feast alongside the she-wolf, her eyes watching his every move as he settled nearby and enjoyed the meal. After spending the night nestled together, the trio moved on and found themselves in the Siberian Taiga, forming a small pack as Aiyana came back from a short scouting session with a tri-colored pup scruffed in her jowls. He now remains with the group, bonding with Aiyana and helping guide them in their daily routines, waiting for those who dared trespass ready to accept friends or fend off foes. [hr] Pack Member / Loner: Pack member Pack Name: Native Valley pack Pack Rank: Alpha male Mate: Aiyana