It had only been a few nights of travel since the last settlement but this journey had felt pretty worth it when the task was to get as far away as possible from the original site he originated from, even if he didn’t know what was driving him away. The journey from what felt like the centre of the world to him had been a long one but a road well-travelled as it only proved to be fruitful. There had been much that was picked up from travellers and the last settlement, but there was still a need to travel and find what might be taking him along this road and passed the strange environments he had never known to have existed before. He had been told the sentinel beings were ‘trees’ by one traveller who insisted on giving him a crooked look when he asked before laughing about something like ‘first time out of the big city’, whatever that meant. The problem was, this ‘big city’ was probably what he wanted to find by name alone, definitely finding it intrigued him more than anything. It had now been mentioned a few times to him with people looking at his equipment and showing off their own in a pleasant tone. Maybe it had something to do with what he was, maybe it was where he wanted to go and where his function was to be granted. Regarding function, he wasn’t like others who walked along the roads, in fact he wasn’t flesh at all like they were. Only resembling the fleshy beings so much, he was in fact all machine even down to the hair on his head. Assimilating the fleshy beings, he was one of the Machina that he sometimes saw with the fleshy beings. From what he had observed, they weren’t treated very well or like other fleshy beings nor did they have a face quite like his own. They looked all machine while he looked to be similar to a fleshy being only so far. Maybe that’s why people treated him so well, because he looked like them and made them believe he was like them too. From his number he had created a name much like the fleshy beings carried, only hoping they would accept him more and maybe give him more information to where his destination might lie. For now, he had arrived in a busy village by the size of it, just like he had been told where he might arrive. It was rather interesting to say the least, but it would only provide him with the rest stop he needed before he had to continue and see what else lay before him. While he didn’t get exhausted like the fleshy beings might from a long journey, he was needing to find time to recharge and maybe even get some much needed oil. He could eat the food the fleshy beings enjoyed so much, burn it up and use for extra energy, but really he just wanted to take in what was around him and relax for a little bit. The village seemed nice enough with all sorts of sounds and people everywhere, but it wasn’t what he was looking for in terms of permanent residence. Moving around the wandering people who insisted on looking at him at least once, he found a building where windows were limited and would allow him to lean against and keep out of the way of other beings. While he was managing to settle into his little spot, there was a moment where he had a moment’s peace before a strange animal jumped out from inbetween the buildings, causing him to jump back in fright and move away from the corner. He had no idea what that was but it wasn’t after him and was instead going elsewhere, hardly looking like the type of creature that would want a piece of him, anyway. While that was mildly distracting he saw the people took very little heed of the creature as it bounded through the crowd and off towards someone else, his eyes following it. Well that was something he had never encountered before, but he did recognise that there was probably more like that thing nearby and should probably watch where he was standing. Managing to back away he made a quick turn, feeling a little distracted before he somehow managed to find himself colliding with a Mura that stank strongly of ethanol, one that almost immediately fell over all while he stumbled back himself in surprise.