[b][center]Outside the Mines of Altenia[/center][/b] Clive looked around from on top of the Mines from his scans and to the sky, cringing slightly before he grabbed the rest of the Moles attention and pointed to the skies. They nodded and one by one they leapt off the edge of the cliff and jumped, falling down towards the ground far below, various colors of telekinetic shields forming at their feet as it slowed their decent until they landed at the base of the mine entrance. “All talents clear out! Incoming!” Clive screamed. Lou whipped around and looked up. “Get the hell out of the entrance of the mine talents!” he bellowed as he grabbed Gwens arms and threw her into one of the Mole Vehicles. “Brax’Na, back out now if you value your lives!” he added asw he climbed in and the rest of the Talents that had been helping, including Marx quickly took note of what was going on and made a break for it. The Brax’Na group was confused at first but one that had worked the mines before knew what was going on. “Brax’Na, back!” he yelled and they followed his orders as they began to run from the mines. A storm was rolling in and for the mines it meant one thing, a sonic episode. “What about Silvia and Jun’Krama?” Marx yelled. “Nothing we can do now, we will have to wait for the storm to pass otherwise we are all screwed,” Gwen yelled back. “We don’t know how many crystals are exposed right now,” she added as she watched the first lightning strike hit the top of the cliff where the mine was dug into. “Oh god….” “Gwen, the room, is it a safe spot?” Marx asked quickly. Gwen snapped around and nodded. “Yes, yes it is. If they can get to it, it is shielded from storms. It wouldn’t protect them fully but it would take the edge off.” “Enough to keep Sil from being driven mad?” “I… I don’t know,” Gwen admitted as she sat there. “Jeremiah! Get the hell out of there!!!” Marx screamed as Lou waited for him to catch up before they pulled out. Even for non talents the situation was dangerous. Cave in were common during storms and with the mine as damaged as it was now, it could cause a collapse of the entire cliff face. [b][center]Altenia Tower[/center][/b] Craig rubbed his eyes some as he got himself something to drink to try to stay awake. [i]”Ailen… Silvia built Marxs leg and he lives just fine without her around to repair it; even if you did stay, and everything worked out in the end. You’re race outlives Earthlings. She will die long before you, whether it is war or old age. You have to learn to take care of this yourself. As far as your transfer goes, Earth would be the best point because they have worked with the technology Silvia uses and dealt with Marxs leg, so if something did happen they would be the best equipped to handle it.”[/i] Craig interjected. [i]”She did say in the O.R. that she would write a manual for it, granted now that will depend on whether or not she ever gets out of the mines.”[/i] Craig said as he got an alarm in his quarters for an upcoming storm. Looking over at the monitor he groaned deeply as he looked over the maps that were popping up. [i]”Ailen, you seeing this in the Mor? This is not going to be good.”[/i] Craig pushed away from his desk and stood up, pacing the room slowly. If those storms hit and there were too many exposed crystals all this arguing wouldn’t matter. If she died in the mines due to another collapse or was driven mad by the song it was over. He hoped at least if the worst case scenario came about that what they had on Tristan now was enough to at least still get him transferred off world but since the orignals had been destroyed and he didn’t know where Silvia placed the crystal drive copy they could end up more screwed now than before she arrived. Sitting down on the edge of his bed he groaned deeply at this thought. He had to get Tristan off world, no matter what. He just hoped that Srath would contact him soon, he needed some smuggler insight into this. Someone that wasn’t so close to everything going on and one that was good at getting things on and off world undetected. [b][center]Deep in the Mines[/center][/b] Silvia perked a brow at Jun’Kramas question about if there was anyone else that was as big a risk taker as she was. “No, but I’m different,” she muttered, not knowing how true her statement was. “Actually wasn’t looking for a specific answer, just an answer,” she said as she continued walking. “Ailen happy?” she said as she spun around and looked at him completely confused. “He seemed happy?” she asked as she tilted her head to the side. “He seems to be a wreck around me. I had him transferred off my shift onto the Twins,” she said with a sigh as she turned back around and began making her way towards the Resistance Room. She felt of all people he deserved to know the truth to why she was there and since he wasn’t not GTC she had more faith in him than others. “He seems lost and depressed around me. If that is the effect on him, he is better off away from me. He has been through far too much on this forsaken chunk of rock as it is,” she snapped as she continued to walk and tried to push the thought from her mind. Right now, as selfish as it was, she had to put herself and the Jun’Krama first and find a way to get them out of there. She hoped the Resistance Room would have a map of what all was dug out down there. She couldn’t get in earlier but she hadn’t be able to breath either. If it came down to it she would have to use her abilities to open the door. At his words of stripping down she smirked slightly. “Yes, I guess you could but what would happen if I turned out to be as bad as all the rest,” she said as she took a few more steps. “I don’t think it would be good for the Brax’Na to have two great leaders taken out by; what was she called? A Chaos Goddess?” she asked rhetorically. As they reached the door, Silvia froze. “Oh god,” she said as she began to feel something from above them. “Get down!” she screamed as suddenly her hands erupted with light and pushed him into the dirt, Silvia throwing herself over him but she seemed to levitate over him as a telekinetic shield formed the wide of the mine shaft and was hit by falling rock and debris; holding it back as her eyes glazed over but the strain in her features was evident, sweat forming over her exposed skin as her body trembled. “Door, the door,” she said weakly. “Get it open, get in there,” she said as her body convulsed under the effort of holding the cave back from crushing them. The crystals exposed throughout the mine were starting to hum like a bee hive and the song was becoming stronger and stronger. Silvias nose and ears began to slowly drip blood as she held her position. She was a few feet above the Jun’Krama at this point, the shield a good five feet above her. She wouldn’t be able to hold it long but she just hoped she could long enough for him to get the door open and get inside. It had been damaged somewhat from the previous shifts in the mine, she or another talent wouldn’t have been able to open it but she hoped the Jun’Krama was strong enough to pull it open so he could get in and pull it back shut. At least in there he would be safe for a bit.