There had to be some word on where Cedric had gone, it wasn't like the Church made any qualms about publicizing their taking of Magi. Someone here was bound to know something, it was simply a matter of finding someone who'd talk. Of course finding information was only half the battle too, Ethan didn't know much beyond his home town and was going to have to figure out where things were awfully quick. If he just kept heading east like he had been then he was bound to start hitting the cities, and there he ought to be able to find more information. Great plan... If only he knew which way was east. He'd been taught how to discern direction based on the sun's position once, yet now that he actually needed it he was hopelessly lost. Maybe a guide would help, albeit that meant using his already meager savings for paying someone, which likely meant one less meal at the very least. That was provided he could even find a guide. If someone was to show him around then he'd be honest about what he was doing, and not many people would appreciate the task he was taking on. Cedric had been taken away like a common criminal, and no doubt people had heard of his arrest or even seen it by now. With his plan being to basically spring free a prisoner he doubted there were many who'd aid him in that, as messing it up could well mean being arrested by the Church as well. Having anyone help him with this was a huge gamble, one that most people likely would not be willing to take. He needed a guide pretty badly, yet finding one was hardly going to be an easy matter. "I probably should have thought this through better..." Ethan lamented, letting out a sigh as he hung his head. Deciding he might as well just go about asking around for the time being he moved to put the map away, barely folding the piece of paper up before someone came darting by, relieving him of his last bit of bread. It happened so quick that at first he didn't realize what happened, noticing the lack of anything in his right hand and glancing up to see a small figure bounding away in the crowd. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened, and he'd not let the last of his meal be stolen, no matter how crummy it might have been. "H-Hey, that's mine! Get back here!" Oblivious to the Ydran girl who had just come out, he took off after the bread-thief, determined to catch her and make her give his bread back. The little girl had no problems running through the crowds it seemed, but Ethan had to make quite the effort to slip by people and not barrel someone over in the process. Just when he looked to be catching up to the girl too, Ethan found himself running square into a wall, or what felt like a wall. So focused on his target he hadn't noticed the other person walking around the corner, nearly barreling them over and ending up on his rear as a result. After a brief stumble he looked at the person worriedly, his face flush with embarrassment as he chuckled, "H-Hey, sorry! My mistake!" he said quickly, giving a half-wave before continuing his chase. He had just caught sight of the girl and her pet rushing into an alleyway, and lo and behold when he got to the entrance of it she was still there, evidently trapped with the fence at the other end. A bit winded from the chase and still red in the face, Ethan smiled as he leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath. "Y-You... My bread... Not nice..." he managed to get out, smiling tiredly as he stood upright and wiped his forehead down with his sleeve, "You... You don't want that bread anyways, it's stale, pretty sure." Huh, now that he was actually getting a good look at the girl he realized how scrappy she looked, wearing hardly anything more than rags and looking a bit thin. Poor kid, must be one of those orphans or something judging by her appearance. He'd never really had much intention of punishing the girl to begin with, and seeing her now Ethan felt a compulsion to help her out. Putting his hands up to show he meant no harm he slowly approached her, giving the girl and her pet a kind smile. "I bet you're hungry huh? Let's try again, how about I buy you something to eat? Something not stale, how's that sound?"