[b][u]The Mor[/u][/b] Craigs words hit him like a bag of bricks. No matter what he would lose her. Watching her die of old age would be revisiting his sisters death all over. The Craigs next words got him to look out at one of the Mors windows. He rose up and moved to it. He watched the bolts that struck the top of it. He fought all the urge to punch the wall. Then he pushed it back looking back up. [i]Your right,... Thinking of love at a time like this is foolish. Especially with her. I placed the blue crystal drive on the table in her room. She might still have it in there. I will watch the Twins, your head of security of the tower. Override that door grab the drive. Lets revisit my transfer and go with it. Lets go there,.. Have Srath be my taxi to earth and take Tristan to his ship. Stick his ass in a box if you have to. Dont worry I wont do anything stupid this time.[/i] [i]Your right,... I should abandon any feelings of being with her. If it neans helping the cause I will do it. Put in for my transfer to earth once you have Srath and crystal drive. Then have Srath commisioned to take me to earth. Have it happen in docking bay 12 where the cameras are turned off and have him put in the cell or .... Or better idea. Srath just brought in a bounty that looks just like Tristan right?... Lets switch them. That way everyone will think Tristan is still here. Let me do this Craig... As an apology to you and this tower. This will be my redemption[/i] he paused and whiped a tear away as he moved back to his desk. He wrote on the note adding the words 'sorry for everything' and put it back under a pendant. [i]Also,... Can you do me a favor,... One last favor as friends. My old crystal is sitting on my desk in the form of a pendant. Make sure she gets it when she comes out. I wanted her to have it as a memory of me. [/i] He suddenly had to wipe off a drop of water that hit the note. I am sorry Silvia but we would never had worked out. [b][u]The Crystal Caves[/u][/b] There was no time to hesitate, no time for thinking. He rushed for the door pulling on the handle. It shook but not enough. He then pulled out his sword and shoved it into the frame of the door. Pushing it in until he felt it was far enough in. Using it like a crowbar he began pushed against its side. "Shit shit shit shit shit fuck shit fuck!" He yelled. Dont you fail me now god damn it! He then hopped back and started kicking it with all his strength until the lock broke and and gave way. The door knocking him back and on the floor. He got back up and saw the open door way. He grabbed Silvia and tossed her through it. "Sorry!..." He yelled and then rushed inside and grabbed the handle and pulled it closed before the ceiling caved in. Dust picking up all around him and the door as held it close. He stood there his hands wrapped around the handle so tight his knuckles went white. Once he knew they where safe within the room he let go and released a big sigh of relief. He looked to her and began to laugh. Not at her but at the fact he almost died back there. For what some damned woman. He then stopped chuckling and looked at her. No not just some damned woman. He did it for her. "Karras,...." He said suddenly. Pausing and smiling. "My name is Karras.... "