[center]Astarte and Roxan [hider=Summary] - Lizzy is now called Tesvec, and has fully submitted to Astarte. - Roxan asks Astarte for a Dragon of her own. - Astarte offers her one of Tesvec's eggs and asks for something in exchange. - Roxan tells Astarte she'll think about the deal, and Astarte tells her to meet at the same spot at midnight.[/hider][/center] "Now that's a good lizard!" She cooed in delight as the Dragon landed on the clearing in front of her. She had sent him on a flying trip and he hadn't even thought of escaping. They were definitely making progress. "See, now I believe you've earned the right to a name, Lizzy. A proper name, worthy of you. Your new name shall be..." Astarte mused, putting a finger up to her lips. A second later, she smiled. [i]"Tesvec."[/i] Then the rustling of leaves caught her attention. She perked up and turned around, motioning Tesvec to stay still. "I know you're there." She said with a raised eyebrow. Roxan emerged from a tree banch, grinning. "Hello," she said, bowing at the waist, her fist over her heart. "You're one of the few I can't ever sneak up on, Goddess." She jumped down, gliding to land a respectful few feet in front of her. "I suppose you already know why I'm here, yeah?" she asked, raising her own eyebrow. "Yes-" Astarte said, tilting her head curiously, "though I'd like to hear you say it yourself, Roxan." She relaxed and chuckled. "Alright, if you insist." she gave another bow before straightening. "I'd like to raise a dragon, and bond with it, like a sort of familiar, if that's even possible." She knew what she was asking would be a bit much to ask, but she'd do whatever the goddess wanted in return. Astarte smiled at the courtesy, then shrugged at her petition. "It can be done, surely. I'd offer Tesvec here to you, but you mentioned you want to raise the dragon yourself." She tapped her chin and looked at Tesvec. "Tell me, Tes, do you happen to have a couple eggs laying around?" "I, uh... I-" He was cut off by Astarte. "I know you have two. Last you saw them was a month ago, in your nest." She said and turned to Roxan, "There you have it, you could take one or all-" "M-Mistress!" "Okay, just one. What will you give me in exchange for the dragon egg?" Astarte asked and walked over to Roxan until she was a mere foot away from her. She's lucky I had toned down my aura for Tes, or she would be going mad right about now, she thought. [i]"Hint: I like interesting accesories."[/i] Astarte whispered as she pointed at her crown, the soul gem flashing a bright white for a split second. Roxan grinned. "Indeed you do, goddess," she agreed. She thought, turning this over in her mind. Gods could be more trouble than they were worth, she knew this firsthand. But she’d always wanted a dragon. "Tell you what, goddess," she said after awhile. "Let me think on this, and I’ll come to you with my answer in a few hours." She would come later, when the goddess was not around, and approach Tes about it. She hated it when creatures like him held a grudge against her. In fact, she just hated grudges at all. "Oh, well. Don't keep me waiting for too long or I might just decide to feed the eggs to Undasis' Gigantic Sharks." She grinned. "I'm joking, of course. Sharks don't eat eggs." And with that, Astarte looked at Tes and winked. He knew what that meant, and so he sat on the ground. He'd be allowed to move once Astarte returned. "I'll be back at midnight. Be careful with the nightmares roaming the forest, though I'm not sure if those things still exist." Astarte said and waved goodbye at Roxan, and then she disappeared in a whirlwind of dirt and leaves.