[center]Friday, May 1st, 2015[/center] "You really need to calm down Gen. I won't lose anything other some blood." Rikimaru was grateful for the guys worrying but he was in nine kinds of a tizzy for something only required three or maybe four kinds of tizzy. The amount of tizzy was too damn high! None the less Gen was kind. With those words said Rikimaru gathered a few more things. Doing his best not to get blood anything more than floor. Gen had the Gauze of Life, but he still needed tape, disinfectant and a bottle of water. He couldn't help but smile under that mask of his. He was more worried about the blood stains on this guitar than his cuts on his finger. The look on the woman's face when Rikimaru went to pay for everything was near priceless. The look of disgust and shock on her face when he handed her the bloody money was awesome. Again he couldn't but smile. "Gen, you coming?" With that he walked out and starting ripping open the packaging and fixing up his fingers, he was fast and good at. It was more or less an occupational hazard, he was used to it. By the time that Gen could get to him he was already done and working on cleaning up his guitar. It wouldn't take him long to get it cleaned, again he had done this once or twice before. Without a look Rikimaru spoke to Gen. "I'll be at park the tomorrow. Afternoon, if you care to join me." As soon as he finished he got up and left. [center]Saturday, May 3rd, 2015 Warakuma Park, Early Afternoon [/center] Rikimaru was sitting on a picnic table, meditating. If he couldn't play today he could at least do some training. In front of him was set of training Kamas. A clear head, and a mostly uninjured body would be just right for him. His dress was the same always when away from school. He never understood why people put on training gear when that's not something their likely to have when needed to use any sort of fighting art. He did Within an instant he was off the table, with Kamas in his hand. With every movement he gained speed and power. His movements weren't in the traditional style of hard, sharp movements. His movements were fluid, quick and light. These movements could easily be turned into hard, sharp and powerful movements but there wasn't a need for any of that right now.