[center][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/53/23/7d/53237db9fd3ba352d63abbcda50ca9d6.jpg[/img] Name: Roberta "Bobby" Krasinski Age: 20 Sex: female Personality: Bobby is a very calm and rational individual. She is neither outgoing nor introverted - she finds herself somewhere in the middle. She likes to have a non bias approach to things and tries to rationalize everything she encounters. That is why, when eerie happenings begin to take place in her city of residence, she is deeply disturbed. Equipment: flash light, extra batteries, two water bottles, some cans of food, long knife, blanket, and pocket knife containing a blade, saw, cork screw, screw driver, can opener, and scissors. Bio: Bobby was born to wealthy parents, both being highly acclaimed surgeons. She spent most of her childhood and teen years alone as they were rarely in the house and were emotionally unavailable. Even though she lived with her parents until the age of 18, when she left for college, it almost felt like she had always lived alone because of their absence. She also had few friends growing up. Because she was constantly alone, Bobby amused herself with exploring. She would go into gated off areas or explore abandoned homes. Her curious nature is what lured her out to discover what was happening in the mountains. She went to college right after high school. To her parents dismay, she went for history and geography rather than medical like they had hoped for. She lives in the dorms on campus with a roommate who parties every weekend and finds that she feels the same sense of independance that she did at home.[/center]