[center][b]???[/b] [i]???, ???[/i][/center] In an unknown location, unknown individuals discussed known things. "Ah, Mr. ■■■■■■, it's good to see you here again. You haven't come by in quite some time." "My apologies, ■■■■■■, I've been rather busy. Now, can you catch me up with what I've missed?" In front of the groups of people were a set of monitors, displaying a variety of sights. Or rather, a very specific sight repeated across multiple instances: a set of people waking up. None of those present displayed any surprise or disgust at the situation; rather, they watched with approving nods and irritated glances. [hr] "Look, look at that one." "■■■■■■ or ■■■■■■?" "■■■■■■. I can already tell that idiot won't make it past thirty hours." "Oh? Is that so? Oy, ■■■■■■, put me on for $■■■■■■■■■■■■ on ■■■■■■." "Of course, sir." [hr] "Hm, I'll put $■■■■■■■■■■■ on ■■■■■■ and ■■■■■■ making it to the last eight hours, and then ■■■■■■ killing them both." "Bets about the late game in the early game, ■■■■■■? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. You're usually right about this. Hey, ■■■■■■, put me down for the same thing as ■■■■■■!" [hr] "These biographies, did ■■■■■■ really do that? Not bad for a kid." "It's not a bad crowd we've got, this time. Of course, at least ■■■■■■ and ■■■■■■ will put on a good show." "You not betting anything, ■■■■■■?" "...eh, I can spare some change. Hey, ■■■■■■, put me down for $■■■■■■■■■■■■ on ■■■■■■, ■■■■■■, and ■■■■■■ surviving." [hr] The curtain had been lifted, and the game had begun.