[b]The Night-Walkers, Population 38 (23 in Khlin, 15 in Imlona) Age of the Awoken Darkness, Night of the Great Balance (Half Moon) Techs: Map-making (2/3) The Heart-Tree, First Council of Haixun[/b] Many were gathered near the Heart-Tree, the same place that the grand combat took place, the same place that Haixun took the first leap towards a new future. It had been only several moons since then, but it felt like a thousand to him, as he had spent the time since then struggling to put down doubt that surfaced about his rule and the unity of the two villages. This would be his first chance to finally stand in front of both villages and go on the offensive, establishing his rule in front of the Heart-Tree. Haixun would also begin his attempts at training a scouting team to explore the world outside the Homelands. He had been pondering how they should keep track of where everything is. Haixun figured that the method of communication he had developed could be used to "communicate" the land they found to the others at home, but how was one to make a picture that wouldn't just wash away in but a single night? That thought would have to wait, Haixun knew. The Council was to begin soon. More and more came to the tree, creating a crowd that rivaled that of the combat. "Let's hope this goes better than that did," he muttered under his breath and stole a glance at the murderer of Bolach. Later, Haixun found out that her name was Snisir. She was Trixarch's mate, adviser, and friend. It was no wonder that she rebelled against Bolach, but punishment had to be dealt out, Haixun thought. We need order to progress. As much as Haixun found it distasteful that one Night-Walker should end another, it has been done, and may happen again. All of these thoughts came to an end when Haixun glanced up and saw the crowd. It is time, he thought. Haixun stood up on the branch he had been sitting on, and looked around, making sure that there were no predators around. The dangerous ones rarely go out at night and cannot fit through the dense web near this side of the tree, but it can't hurt to be safe. A few minutes later, he was satisfied that there were no predators (and no intruders), so he began. "We are here to discuss the future, as Bolach did before me. But to create a bright future, we must dispel the dark past that shadows over us from the past week." Haixun signaled for the prisoner, Snisir, to be brought forward. "As I am sure you all remember, at this same place several moons ago, Trixarch and Bolach fought for what vision of the future should hold true. Bolach triumphed, guided by the spirits to strike down Trixarch. But, some could not accept this, and did the unthinkable. No matter your opinion of what happened, the spirits chose Bolach to be victorious, and their judgement cannot be questioned. The unthinkable, to kill another Night-Walker. The unthinkable, to go against the wishes of the moon and tree. Snisir, mate and friend to Trixarch, shot Bolach with an arrow and began a fight that could have fractured our people. You must agree, something like this cannot go unpunished. After thinking for a time on how to deal with this, it has become evident that the only fair way to go about it is to have criminals give back to the tribe what they took. This is fair for all crimes, meat for meat, an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth." The guard took out an arrowhead. Haixun continued, "And even, in the most dire of circumstances such as this, a life for a life. It is the only fair option, she killed Bolach with no provocation. Let none say that I am a coward though, I will stain my hands with her blood. She has left us no other choice." With that, the guard handed Haixun the arrowhead, as they had practiced many times before in preparation. He took the arrowhead and drove it straight down, killing her almost instantly. It was harder than he thought it would be, but it was done. "May the spirits guide her, let Snisir rest with Trixarch in the stars for all eternity," Haixun spoke. The crowd, disturbed by her death, was surprised by Haixun's sympathy and prayers for the person that killed his father. Seeing this, Haixun felt proud of himself. I is finally starting to win these people over. Imlona will take more work, but they will come around. We have more work to do for the moment though, Haixun thought to himself. Changing the subject from the execution of Snisir, Haixun had two from the crowd brought forward, a curious female named Kiebal and a nervous male named Zamaxar. He spoke, "Now that those unfortunate events are behind us, let us look forward. I have some announcements to make. Trixarch is dead, we need a new chief to rule over Imlona. I have traveled to Imlona and tried to find the general opinion. That is how I discovered one of Trixarch's other advisers, the fidgeting one here by the name of Zamaxar. I have found him to be very cooperative, he will take an oath of loyalty and be your future chief." Haixun looked at this Walker, he seemed loyal. "Kneel down and repeat after me," Bolach told Zamaxar. He nodded, took a breath, and went down on one knee. Haixun began, "I swear to the spirits, to the waters of darkness and the burning flame. To the life-giving tree and the moon. I swear to the living and the dead to serve the people of Imlona, to guide them into the future. I swear to give my loyalty to Haixun, to never betray the trust placed in me." Zamaxar repeated the oath as Haixun spoke. "You may now stand before the Heart-Tree as Chief of Imlona. You may rejoin the crowd." Zamaxar stood up and climbed back down into the crowd, receiving encouragement from the villagers of Imlona, though some had a tone of bitterness. "Onto the next piece of business, Khlin does not rule Imlona, and it should not seem that way. We will build a new village. One fit to be the capital of our new union. Built on the Heart-Tree, the creator of life. It will be known as Kaaba. The one here, Kiebal, will lead the project. She has the most experience building of both villages. She will approach some of you in the near future to offer a position to help in the project, and possibly have a place to live in this new capital. That will be all, Kiebal. You may join the others." "Onto our last subject, we will soon be conducting an expedition to the 'City at the End of the World' ([@Shoggothought]) and then we will explore the northern forests and beyond. To do this, we need a team of trained scouts. I will approach five or six of you that show a good level of ability with the opportunity to join the expedition. I will lead this expedition. We have discussed everything that is necessary for the moment. You may return to your homes for the day. The flame will soon be in the sky. May darkness guide you." And with that, the crowd dispersed. The villagers, stunned by the vast changes announced that night, traveled to their homes in Imlona or Khlin. They were pleasantly surprised to find that the great chief seems to know what he is doing, though Snisir's death troubled many of them. Sapped of his energy by the Council, Haixun spoke softly to himself, "Huh, that actually went well. Maybe this will work after all." He began climbing towards his home in Khlin, ready to finally get some rest.