[h2]Jack - Castle Tepes[/h2] Jack was in complete agreement with the various plans laid out in defense of the Eye from Shadow Eternity forces. Noticing many were preparing to take their respective places in guarding, Jack stepped over to stand directly in front of the doorway to the eye, facing down the hall. He sat down into a meditative position, with his sword placed within arms reach, and used the the time of waiting to rest, and reflect on recent events. Jack found he was still quite amazed at all there was in the multiverse, and that he still had much to learn about the common sights and interactions within. Jack also contemplated fully siding with the UMMA, seeing it could be of great benefit in both finding the way back to his own time, and having aide in the inevitable battle with Aku when he returns. Despite the importance of the thoughts, Jack eventually found himself drifting into a very light sleep, still ready to spring into action at a moments notice.