[b][center]Altenia Tower[/center][/b] Craig listened to Ailens words and fell off the edge of his bed to the floor, surprised by the sudden change. It wasn’t what he was trying to get at, not at all. What he was trying to get Ailen to realize that was that people die, no matter what we do and there is nothing we can do about it; that we have to take the bad with the good and enjoy those moments of happiness while we have them. Sighing deeply he looked up and stared blankly at the ceiling. He figured there wasn’t much he could say right then to make him understand. Maybe sometime on Earth would help him, at least make him see that a short time around someone you cared about was better than no time. [i]”I will but you aren’t transferred yet, Silvia has final say,”[/i] was all he could think to say. Rising from his place he looked out the window and saw the storm raging on, hoping that Silvia was alright but locked in the mines, what chance did she have? [i]”When Srath contact me, I will let you know, until then, continue as normal,”[/i] he said as he stepped out his doors and made his way to Silvias room. He used his override and entered. Searching for what seemed forever but found nothing. Did she have it on her? If so, it would complicate matters. Sighing he walked back out and secured the door before checking that Tristan was still under lock and guard before making his way to the docks to see if he could find Srath. [b][center]The Safe Room Of The Resistance[/center][/b] “Hurry!” Silvia screamed as she felt her strength giving away quickly, she didn’t know how much of the cave she was holding up but it felt worse than catching a transport without crystal aide. The blood had quickly gone from drops to a steady trickle as she gasped for breath; her eyes swirling like the storm above and her mind feeling like it was being ripped apart by the increased sounds of the crystal song. Sweat dripping from her body as her muscles burned she began to scream in agony. It was cut short as she felt Jun’Kramas hands on her and pulling her out of place in midair. “No!” she tried to say but nothing came out as she was flung into the Resistance Room and hit the ground hard, rolling a few times in the dirt before she ended up sprawled out on her chest with her head buried in the dirt. Slowly she lifted her head; her face smeared with her own blood and the dirt of the mines as she looked over and saw the Jun’Krama holding the door closed while the mine shook around them. He had just saved her life, risked his own. What the hell was he thinking? If she had had any strength left she would have asked but her mind was still swimming from the hum of the crystals and her body was fatigued from the entire ordeal. Slowly she brought her knees in and rested her forehead on the cool ground, her body still shaking uncontrollably as her arms wrapped around her waist. She was in agony, both mentally and physically. The only salvation was that the room was indeed cutting back on the song of the crystals. It still ripped through her but it was manageable for now. Coughing slightly, blood came from her mouth and her tear ducts. She had done a number on herself, it was completely self-inflicted but she had done it out of reflex to give him a chance. She hadn’t once thought she was going to survive the ordeal and the last thing she had expected was him coming to her rescue. Weakly her head turned as she rested her cheek in the dirt, still holding herself and trembling as she heard him laughing, wondering what was so funny but she didn’t have the strength to ask. As he finally introduced himself and gave her his true name she was able to manage a small smile. “Karras,” she whispered. “Thank you,” she forced out before she rolled onto her back and stared towards the ceiling, seeing it was dented from the weight of the collapsing mine and groaned deeply. Had they just truly saved each other or just given themselves an open grave instead of one under crushed earth. Silvias eyes slowly drifted close as she rested her hands in the cool dust on the ground, trying to regain her strength but it would not come for a while. It was one thing to do smaller shields, to move a person or even a ship with the aid of her crystal but what she had done would have been taxing under the best circumstances. Her chest rose and fell slowly with each breath she forced into her lungs, her muscles still burning and her mind was aching. She hoped she didn’t have to attempt that again anytime soon. She wished the lights were out so Karras couldn’t see her weakened like this but the room had its own separate generators and was self-contained; so there she lay in her weakened and bloodied state for him to see. [b][center]Outside The Mines Of Altenia[/center][/b] Lou and Marx kept screaming for Jeremiah to hurry up and get in the vehicle, but it seemed he had other plans. They didn’t know what he was up to but whatever it was seemed important to the engineer. After a few moments he came barreling towards them and landed in the open seat. Lou didn’t wait any longer and pushed the vehicle as hard as he could as it spun around and made a break away from the front of the mine. It wasn’t a moment too soon as another bolt of lightning hit the face of the mine and it all came tumbling down to the ground, there was nothing left but rocks and debris. Thankfully everyone had seemed to get clear of the path of the falling rock but not by much, there were a few injuries that the other Moles were grabbing and tossing into other vehicles. Marx turned around in his seat and watched it happen, his eyes widening as he sat there in disbelief. “Sil….” was all he managed to say as he watched the collapse; there was nothing he could do at that point. The storm was raging on. “Moles to Altenia Tower…..We just lost the mine….” Lou said through his com to the Tower. “Heading in, one known dead, several injuries, will be there shortly. Pulling out until the storm passes,” he said before cutting the com. Gwen leaned back in her seat and covered her face with her hands unable to say anything.