[center][b]Ryan Alon: His House: May 3rd SUN[/b][/center] Ryan was busy cooking himself some lunch when he heard a knock at the door. He rolled his eyes and turned off the stove. Ryan was about to open the front door when he first looked at the mirror on the closet door. He made sure he was smiling, no visible skin on his arms, and he looked relatively clean. After going through that checklist he opened the door to answer whoever was knocking. It was a delivery guy with the furniture he had asked be delivered. After signing for the furniture he had it brought in and placed wherever. Ryan thanked the delivery man and had them leave quickly. "I wonder why it took them so long to bring the furniture. I don't live that far away." He asked himself as he went back to cooking. He finished up quickly and sat down to eat. He turned on the TV and watched the news. It appears as if some sort of idol has gone missing. Weird. It's not him though, so it's not that big of a deal. He flipped through the channels some more before deciding to go take a nap. He didn't have any friends to hang out with after all.