[b][u]Players -[/u][/b] Jakeozzy BigPapaBelial WilsonTurner Kingkonrad ...And others who haven't shown up on the OOC yet! [u]August, 2033 - Kuzminki Station 'Lone'[/u] 'The Moscow Metro was built to survive a nuclear war. But built to last...? No. It doesn't seem that way. Whatever debris that once held the surface creatures out of our tunnels must not be there anymore. Maybe there never was a barricade, and they just got bolder over time. Who knows - who cares? - no one has returned from journeying to the end of our line... Similarly, bandits dwell at the station behind us, cutting us off from the rest of the civilized metro. We're trapped. People are dying, supplies are going to run out fast at this rate. It's pretty fitting that this was called Lone Station by traders once... But at least before the bandits and the mutants came we felt independent and strong because of it. Now, we have to crawl elsewhere. Anywhere. Beg if we have to, just so long as we survive.' [b][u]CS Template -[/u][/b] (If you want to use this one, anyway.) Name: Age: Gender: Home Station: Occupation: Appearance: (Can be an image, a written description, whatever you want) Faction: Weapons: Equipment/Items: Abilities: Background: (A short, or long backstory to your character! You could always let it be a mystery to others!) Couple of things: - Let's not all have Artyom's mental defences, maybe like, one or two 'Metro Mystics' altogether. It'll keep things interesting. - ...I'm sure I'll think of other nags I can put here. [b][u]Faction/Character List -[/u][/b]