[B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Jefferson Page[/INDENT] [B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Annex[/INDENT] [B]| [I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT][B]The Mask of Insight:[/B] A steel mask with several layers that moves the lower jaw as his mouth does. It provides the wearer with insight on objects of interest (People, places, things, etc.). Such insight draws from a vast pool of knowledge both scientific and supernatural. It can be used to decipher many techniques and mechanical processes such as martial arts or gymnastics. Technically it does not offer any direct assistance with mimicry, but knowing is half the battle. The mask contains a sort of real intelligence of some nature. He is personally unsure if it is scientific or mystical in nature. [B]Engineering Skills:[/B] Thanks to the mask of Insight, he understands how to manufacture many tools, even if he physically is unable. Through practice, he has learned to gently dissassemble and reassemble sensitive and specialized equipment, even making improvements along the way. [B]Stealth Skills:[/B] The mask grants him understanding of how to bypass the notice of others, both because of the individuals behavior and environmental factors such as areas that naturally make more noise, or the patterns of shadows. [B]Agility:[/B] He, without the mask, is a practiced traceur who can scale the average building competantly. His reflexes are fast and he is very conscious of his surroundings. He can perform above average in gymnastics, but not enough to win G4's Ninja Warrior. [B]Fear Gas:[/B] After obtaining several samples of Jonathan Crane's various Scarecrow formulas, he deciphered the recipe and manufacturing process before coming up with his own variant and dispersal system. At present, he uses a gun that fires pellets containing pressurized fear gas that causes the target to experience frightening hallucinations. [B]Web-Line:[/B] Investigating Black Spider's means of travel taught him to synthesize webbing of his own. He can fire sprays of fast drying elastic cable that anchor onto their target and have incredible cohesive properties and strength. He sometimes uses this as a means of travel instead of a grappling hook, but makes frequent use of it in combat situations. [B]Claws:[/B] On his own, he created his own spring loaded razor sharp retractible claws that lurch out of his sleeves at a moments notice. They are one foot long and extend off of a pair of gauntlets mounted on his wrists.[/INDENT] [B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]The mask cannot determine the inner thoughts, feelings, or motivations of a person. It is, for all intents and purposes, a face-fitting encyclopedia. It can provide mechanical and chemical information bountifully, but magical, personal, and historical information are limited by what the wearers of the mask have seen. Sometimes it is inaccurate for various reasons. While he has an edge over human opponents, he still has no degree of invulnerability and very little besides his ingenuity protecting him from any super-powered killing machine. He is particularly vulnerable to psychic attacks, though. He is occasionally prevented from sleeping by his mask, hearing voices he can't rationally explain. He's unsure if he's actually hearing things or just plain ol' crazy. Sometimes the voices distract him to the point where he becomes very sloppy, distracting him, sometimes purposefully it would seem. The less he sleeps, the more the voices talk to him.[/INDENT] [b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b] [INDENT]"Who did this to him?" asked a teary eyed Supergirl. [Color=Teal]"I can't be sure, it's not like they left a hallmark card with their signature written on his corpse."[/Color] [I]Or did they, he raised an eyebrow as he took a closer look.[/I] [Color=Teal]"Fascinating,"[/Color] Annex purred privately as his eyes bathed themselves in their stimuli. The Kryptonite lodged in the boy's chest was not of terrestrial origin, as was usually the case. But it wasn't even from Krypton. [Code]Definite traces of residual mana linger over the crystals.[/Code] Put simply, someone had killed Superman's protege with magical Kryptonite. It hardly required The Mask of Insight to know that they were invested in making sure it worked. The blood splattered off of Sentinel's chest indicated a shotgun blast at point blank range. Beyond the shape of the wound and the pattern of the blood, one fact stood out. [Code]The blood sample is incompatible with either humans or kryptonians. It more closely resembles that of a Martian.[/Code][/INDENT] [b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b] [INDENT]-He's called Annex for his tendency to augment his arsenal by adding other people's inventions to it. -He never takes the mask off -I'm really proud of this particular OC[/INDENT]