[b]People[/b] The people of Keva are similar to humans in many manners. Like humans the Xuvi naturally gather together into groups, and then become fiercely territorial of their protected borders. Like humans, the Xuvi have people who come to lead the tribes, and these people pass down the mantle of Chief to their descendants, be they male or female. What separates the Xuvi from humans is that, somewhere in their ancestry, there is a hint of dragon’s blood in their veins. The Xuvi are a mix of skin and scale, with large, plate-like scales covering the outsides of shoulders and legs, belly and chest, jaw and eye bones, the side of the neck, and the spine, all the way down along the top of a long, reptilian tail. Their hands have three fingers and a thumb, covered in light scales on the tops of the fingers and tipped with sharp claws. Their toes are similar to their fingers, having three joints instead of two, and being clawed and scaled, rendering shoes unnecessary. The Xuvi have long, more pointed ears, and a broader, flatter nose. Their brows are more heavily defined, as is their jaw. Their eyes are cat-like, able to dilate wide in the night but returning to slits in the day. [b]Tribes[/b]