Maman Akujo Akujo was overwhelmed with the shock of the multitude of people that she had nearly forgotten her hunger; it was only when her stomach growled at her to signify that it was time to retrieve some food. About to head towards the line, she made no movements as she heard a familiar voice call out to her. “Akujo! Over here, come eat with us.” Her head turned towards the owner of the voice that was seated at a table not too far off from where she stood. At first, however, she was going to move to the table to sit with who she hoped to be her new friends, but her stomach once again grumbled in complaint of not having gained nourishment in quite some time. And so, the starving witch changed her direction to head towards the now non-existent line towards her first choice of the school year. A brief glance at the physical forms of the food she was supposed to eat, although, immediately sated her appetite, and she moved forth to the lunch table she had been invited to. However, she was soon met with the sight of the girl from the nursery that had been so concerned with the boy that had called out to her; Rowan. Akujo’s lips curved upwards into an eager smile as, once again, she was invited to sit with the others at that table. “Hey, Rowan! It’s nice to see you again!” She enthusiastically greeted. “Of course I’ll sit with you guys!” Immediately, they began to walk back towards their table. Along the short path there, the witch broke into conversation with the girl besides her. “So, how has Rosewood been so far? Was there anything I missed before I saw you guys at the nursery? Because I kept walking past people with lots of bruises and cuts on them, but I never heard anything about there being fights when I came.” Sooner then she had expected, the duo had arrived before the table, only to bear witness to one of their male classmates rush off to the nearest trash bin. Akujo giggled a bit at this action, but was still concerned enough to ask what was ailing to the poor being. “So. . . what happened to him? Do you think he’s going to be okay?” She questioned, not necessarily speaking to one specific person whilst deciding to occupy an open seat at one end of the table.