As the smoke from the explosion started to clear, one of the eyes on Alexis's Gunpla lit up, making for a rather bad ass silhouette. Then it cleared a bit more to reveal her gunpla in worse shape then it was a moment ago. The head creast had been partly blow off, the armor protecting the left knee was gone, as was the armor on the remaining arm, the front and side hip armor was blow off or damaged and the kit it self had a few cracks all over and the blade off the Heat Sholet had been damaged, enough that the blade actually fell off as she got ready to renew her attack, forcing her to go back to the Beam Saber. "I oughta be after nine years of battling" She replied as she looked over the state her Gunpla was in, she was needless to say, impressed, even in it's unfinished state it was holding up rather well, and she hadn't even painted it yet, hell the glue was barely dry when the suggestion for a battle came up. "Gotta say, I'm kinda impressed how well this build is holding up. Glue barely dried, no paint, and it's still tanking hits like a champ. I almost wanna stop, just to save repair time and finish it." She looked at the reflection of the damaged Gunpla in blade of her broke sword and grinned. "But I don't think it would let me do that, in fact, I know it wants to finish this. I can feel it." she said as an odd thing started happening. Her 'cockpit' started to turn gold, and an ache started to make it self known to her, specifically in the places where her Gunpla was most damaged.