[h3][b]You travel on the road at night. Your journey will be difficult, but when dawn comes everything will be clear.[/b][/h3] [hider=Nero][center][h2]Nero[/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/bf/2a/29bf2a0f81f83e73db7e93386813b342.jpg[/img][/center] Home World: Hallow Bastion Age: 15 Origin: Hallow Bastion- The events of Hallow Bastion are pretty much common knowledge for any space-faring traveler, but for the uninitiated; it was a world that was utterly and completely consumed by the heartless lead by Maleficent. Though merely a boy, he rushed to the aid of his friends to protect their home. It was then that a keyblade appeared to him, allowing him to hold off the heartless as best he could (with assistance from other of the world), granting time for many- including himself- to escape. Having to escape his home-world along with many others, Nero took up residence in Traverse Town, though maintaining a safe distance away from those he grew up with. Despite his readiness to assist those who needed him, he felt somewhat responsible for the fall of his home, and isolated himself from the rest. He figured that if he could endure being on his own, he could become stronger for the sake of everyone. Abilities: [Able Swordsman] With practice on his original world (plus the additional training he received against the Heartless of Traverse), Nero became a capable fighter in his own right. Refined and fluid, his motions waste no effort and his strikes are aimed to fell the Heartless with haste. [Strength of One] Crafting himself into a solo fighter, Nero has had to endure several hardships and physical trials to the point that he is able to endure more then many others his age. He feel pain, but he's able to ignore it, causing him to be able to fight at full prowess despite being injured. [Magic Inept] Despite his best effort, magic has never been his best asset. It takes him longer to cast spells and cannot produce as many spells as others. [Lion's Roar] Nero has a very powerful voice, so much so that at his loudest; it is almost painful to listen to. Many will have to shelter their ears, and those with sensitive hearing will feel compelled to flee. [Sketch Artist] Nero loves to draw, and as such, he'll often be seen alone with a sketch pad and pencil. Though not masterful in any respect, the pictures are of good quality and detail. [hr] [h2]Questionaire[/h2] What are you afraid of? "Failure. I don't want to lose another home because I'm not strong enough... That and spiders. Creepy little monsters." What do you want out of life? "I want all this to end. The Heartless, the Nobodies... I just want to go home and for it to be like it was before." What's most important to you? "Life? Peace? Friends? Well if I had any that is. I guess I'm trying to say that Cloud had it right when he said, 'There's nothing I don't cherish.'" [/hider]