Alexis just smirked "I'll let my sword answer that. Like a true fighter would!" and tore off at Dani at full thrust. It was odd, Alexis figured the damage would have slowed it down, but it was just as fast and responsive as it had been at the start. The remaining eye of her Gunpla a blaze as the two of the clashed Sabers, the trust from their Gunpla spinning them around a bit as she aimed to finish the fight with her friend. Alexis could, for reasons she didn't know or under stand 'feel' the movement of her Gunpla, as well as it's 'pain'. The reason for which she'd look into later, right now, this sensation, this link was keeping her and her Gunpla in the fight. As they clashed Alexis drove her kneed into the side of Dani's Stien, before kicking off of her, head vulcans blazing the whole time, she landed, and kicked off again with the damaged knee, Alexis feeling a spike of pain in that knee as she did, not that Dani would have noticed. The two clashed again, parried, and took chunks out of each-other with their Beam Sabers. Alexis making the occasional grunt of pain as the battle raged on between them.