Matthew Harvester Friday, May the 1st [color=aba000]“ahahahahahaaa”[/color] Matt was having fun and it seemed his little lecture didn’t bore the small audience. He had even roped in a new member for the agriculture club. Matt listened into Alexei talking about his club and it was obvious he loved it, Matt even found the club sounded interesting…. though it reminded him. He never got the chance to go to the Kendo club. All the sudden the girl which had been standing there suddenly took Matt's hand and introduced herself. Matt thought he heard wrong for a second and looked between Alexei and this Elena. [color=aba000]“w-w-wait, your telling me this brutish looking guy has such a cute little sister!?”[/color] due to the seemingly shocking information to Matt he couldn't help but blurt his thoughts out loud. No he was honestly shocked with the sudden revelation. Sunday, May the 3rd Walking into the most gaudiest looking place ever Matt had to agree with the other comments made on the place. [color=aba000]“ok come on this looks horrible who designs these places? wait better yet why do they even exist?”[/color] Matt wondered out loud as he looked around before hearing Noboru’s idea. [color=aba000]“I agree with Nobo he should be at the front, imagine what would happen if anyone else's face was ruined by a surprise attack? I kid but Nobo is right, he is the most resilient one here…. second is me obviously”[/color] Matt laughed at his own stupid comments. [color=aba000]“I can either help out the front line or focus on burning everything”[/color] Matt said holding his 2 machetes. He was not trying to fulfil his stereotype whatsoever. Nope no Stereotyping here.