[h2][b]Gugd-ver[/b][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ca/75/35/ca7535856ac3e8b20a10217bcbe7bdd6.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gugd-ver Ruthloodge [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/750935f80dfab62e5380d1779a823549/tumblr_nr3yrbTNmV1sp8yqvo1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] Gugd-ver wears a heavy set of Armor belonging to a Second Era Imperial Knight, he had gotten this armor set in a Tavern bet he had with an old Imperial general. He stands at an impressive height, his armor hiding his somewhat fat, Ale-gut. The flag that is attached to his armor belonged to the last High King's kingdom, he wears it obliviously and constantly gets stopped by Imperials, threatened of the major crime of treason against the High King. His face is scarred, but has beautiful features that speak a dual impression of courage and courtship, the latter being a false impression. [b]Bio:[/b] Ever since winning the armor his aspirations grew from bashing heads of irritating drunkards to slaying Monsters and beasts all throughout Rayisa. He joined multiple hunting guilds but never lasted long in any, much to his hard headed demeanor and reckless aggression. He was raised in an Orphanage in Almasa, where he caused daily troubles and crimes when he turned 16. The orphanage decided he was too much trouble, none with their minds fully functioning desired to adopt him, and so he was kicked out. On papers it says he escaped, he didn't care much and crawled outside the city and into the local taverns of the rural countryside. He made lousy jobs between a Tavern service boy, a stable boy, a thief, smuggler, bodyguard to wealthy traders and finally a hired sword. Three years after winning the ancient armor, Gugd-ver was already starting to slay beasts and elusive Orcs for coin, he kept that line of career up until the rumors of the High King's illness. Being foolish, reckless, and lustful for mindless combat he decided his luck at the High King's Seat, if only to fight as many souls as he could. [b]Role:[/b] Monster Hunter, Infamous hired sword, womanizer. [b]Skills:[/b] Gugd-ver is very skilled in combat, his battle rage and reckless probably being both his best and worst trait. He has no respect for tactics, plans, or the entirety of the thinking concept. Whenever a threat is present he aims high for the neck and swings whatever longaxe or mace he is carrying. He is also quite expert on the geography of Alinsu, knows the ins and outs, the secret passages, the corrupted guards and Imperial soldiers to bribe. He also has pretty good knowledge of the common and rare creatures roaming the deserts of Qahila or the beasts by the entrances of Ghelanard Valleys. [b]Weapons:[/b] - His favorite weapon is a longaxe that came along with his armor. - A shield he used only once, before deciding it was slowing him down from killing more opponents.