NAME: Balrog The Conquerer[b][/b] AGE: 46 RACE: Orc [hider=APPEARANCE] [img][/img] [/hider] DESCRIPTION: Balrog has a grim look about him. Blooming red eyes. Intimidating, distinguished canine teeth. His armor made of the finest Orcish steel, mined the Orchish ore himself making sure to bring only the best to his blacksmith. Forged by the best and most expert blacksmith in his region, the armor took 2 days to be completed. Adding some bone ornaments to it made it look even more intimidating. His trusty battle axe, a gift from another tribe chieftain. His over all look intimidating and unpleasant to the eye. Not to mention the amputated head dangling from his waist belt. The head belongs to a warlord Balrog killed in his first raid. BIO: Balrog lived his whole life in Ghelanard valleys. Ghenron his tribe, baring the fire emblem. His tribe was considered one of the largest and the most powerful tribe in the western valley, yet it was peaceful and political. Balrog was one of the chieftain's sons. He was the oldest of them all. His father never had the vision of ruling over the valley or Rayisa for that matter, he was political and civil with other tribes. His father wanted to unite the tribes into one nation. But it wasn't very successful, there was the conflict of who will rule over that Orcish nation. Eventually his father failed to accomplish that dream of his, due to old age and desperation. Balrog believed in his father's dream to unite the tribes. And so he took it upon himself to accomplish what his father failed to do. Firstly he needed to be the chieftain of his tribe. His father is too old and blunt-minded, his reign is over. By the age of 21 Balrog was old enough to challenge his father, challenge him for his role as the tribe chieftain. Balrog won the challenge, killing his father brought him no pleasure at all. But it had to be done, it's Balrog's chance to prove himself now. Firstly he announced to the other tribes of his new role as the new chieftain. Winning a fair challenge against his father. His winning was predictable seeing that his father was old and to decrepit to fight. After mourning his father and feasting on his triumph, he began to convince the other tribe's chieftains to unite and become one. But all of his efforts were in vain and useless. Balrog didn't accept rejection pretty well. He tried talking, but it was hopeless. Being civil didn't work out, so he turned to his barbaric side. If they won't unite willingly, then forcefully. He gathered his best fighters and warriors and headed out to the nearby tribes, surrender or burn. Of course no orc surrendered obviously. Surrendering meant selling their dignity and honor. Slowly over time he conquered the nearby tribes and claimed their lands. Killing their elder chiefs. Through his raids from one tribe to another, many joined his cause, fighting along side with him. Soon he had conquered the seven tribes surrounding his. Hence he was known as Balrog The Conquer. When news reached Balrog of the king's death. He knew it was his best chance to take the previous king seat, and prove to the other tribes he is ready to unite the orcs and role them. It was a quest he had to do alone. His most trustworthy generals claimed his tribes, making sure no rebellion happens till Balrog's return. ROLE: A chieftain to seven separate tribes surrounding his own. SKILLS: Very skilled with axes and heavy weapons. Shockingly great with bows. Expert hand-to-hand fighter. WEAPONS: His trusty two handed axe. A razor sharp orcish dagger. And a fine short bow. EXTRA: Balrog grew up with his vicious wild Khattosh wolf breed. These kinds of wolves are specially bred for combat and war. They endure a lot and are loyal to a cause. Motawaheish was the beasts name. The wolf is a bit larger than average wolves. He's fast and Unrelenting. Vicious and deadly. With a grey to black fur, sharp green eyes. His footsteps are steady and firm. Enduring days without food or water.