Raa was sure she was going to get shot. Her hands raised where the turian could see them and slightly shaking, mind racing with numerous possibilities with how this was going to turn out. It wasn’t hard to feel the nerves rattling through the moment she passed off the gun to Voira, Solares’ still placed in her belt pocket in back, while the scene seemed to become worse by the moment. The woman was clearly frightened by everyone entering the room and it was little wonder why. She was being threatened, treated as a joke, and worse by those who had entered. Raa could only understand why while she tried to ignore Avatar’s warning for the moment. "The probability of hostile forces arriving within ten seconds is approximately 12%, increasing by 0.38% per second." He warned through the radio. "If someone does not do something quickly, we are going to get swarmed with hostiles and end up being killed." Solares spoke, loudly, making Raa more nervous. Meanwhile RK caught Solares’ little whisper over the radio-Raa’s helmet one being shut off to prevent panic and distraction after Solares' comment- and gritted her digital teeth, causing the omnitool to flicker in annoyance. To most people it looked like glitch or oddity, but to Solares, Voira, Raa and most likely others, they knew it was RK. Raa voice was a gentle and kind as she spoke. “We need to get out of here and to do that, I need to get to the terminal before they arrive. Else things are going to get worse. Please. I’m going to take a step toward you, alright?” She tooks a small step, trying how far she got through to the turian. On hearing Voira’s words, RK spoke up quietly in the radios. “I advise you all do what the asari says. As for the overload, it won’t make a difference if we can’t get her away from the [i]weapons[/i] locker. She’ll just grab another and likely Raa will get shot. Right now, we’re wasting time and as much as I want to give Raa time, there’s none to give. Can someone lift the turian into the air after I overload the gun? Then just knock her into the wall hard enough to put her out cold. Crude, but effective and we’ll allow Raa to fix the hurt later. Sadly, I know Raa will disagree and bitterly do something so someone will have to likely stop that. Solares, think you can?” As if sensing Voira’s protest, the AI whipped on the asari. “Before you argue, Voira. Consider this: When bullets fly and the turian’s in a shaky state, who do you think is the first target? Raa. As much as I want to trust she can do this, you and I know that time is ticking. What is more important, Raa getting out alive or her pride?”