David smiled at the VIP section/training area. He then stop hearing someone wanting to battle him to abattle. He turned to the challenger and smirked. "Sure why not? sounds like fun to me. Lets make it a three on three battle." David said "My Name is David Markova. Nice to meet you." He went to the training court and said "Hawlucha come out." The hawk-luchadore came out with a loud battle cry. The pokemon slammed its fists together, and was ready to battle. He saw people began watching them now. "So who is your first pokemon?" He asked with a small smile. He smiled at his hawlucha. He remembered the time he caught Hawlucha. He remembered when his Hawlucha fought other pokemon. He favorite memory is when Hawlucha fought with him in the Johto League. His Hawlucha managed to bring down some tough pokemon.