[b]"So what kind of Pokemon live in the forest? Kickass ones? Also how rough is it going to be out in the forest? Never been here so I'd like to know what to expect."[/b] "The path through the forest is relatively straightforward: a road runs straight through to Verdan's city gates. Or if you're more interested in taking a less traditional path, there's a hiking trail right beside it. The road is easier to travel, but the trail offers splinter paths where you might find an uncommon Pokémon or a group of battling Trainers." Acer unfolded one of the spare maps as he spoke, indicating the two paths side by side. "As for what kinds of Pokémon you might find, each Kingdom favours one or two types of Pokémon. Verdan is home to Grass and Bug Pokémon, like your Petilil, or the Birchlings and Turtwigs we have here at the Lab," Yang chipped in. "Though that's not to say Grass or Bug-types are the only Pokémon found in the forest, of course. Like in every region, most species naturally favour one particular environment instead of others. Who knows what you'll find? No sense in spoiling the surprise for our overseas Trainers." "Better that you see it all for yourselves than hear about it from us. Knowing beforehand takes all the fun out of it!" The Ilexes laughed together, joined by a quiet Ato. Acer looked to the younger boy. "But it's time you were on your way. You have quite the journey ahead, and we wish you the best of luck against Kelsea and all the others you'll face. Ato, if you will escort these five through to Verdan?" "Of course, Professor." Ato produced a Poké Ball and recalled his Mareep back into it, causing the Electric-type to vanish in a beam of light. With that out of the way, the teenager rejoined the party of five. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you the way to the forest." With that, the six of them left the Laboratory, Ato leading the way. [color=ff6103]"Tor!"[/color] Alix's Torchic gave a rather loud and cheery chirp, bouncing a little in Alix's arms as the Trainer followed at the back of the group. The Fire-type seemed eager to get out of the Lab... it was then that Alix realised she hadn't given her new partner a name. What was the name she had picked out when she was looking at the options online? Something that sounded like the name of a fighter... Jamie? Jasmine? No, no... Jen! That was it. Short, sharp, little bit of a kick to it. "All right, little one, if you and I are going to work together, you'll need a name. How's Jen sound?" [color=ff6103]"Rrr!"[/color] Jen chirruped again, eyes bright, and nestled herself deeper into Alix's embrace for a few seconds. Alix took that as an 'okay', and smiled down at her charge. She didn't clearly understand the Torchic's speech, as Jen didn't yet belong to the Fighting type, which was one of Alix's specialties as a Warrior. Still, it was good to know that Jen was happy with her name. While this one-sided conversation was taking place, Ato continued to lead the way through the streets of Regala, with the newly registered Trainers in his wake. It seemed he was familiar with the layout of the city, as he didn't seem particularly flustered by the hustle and bustle of passersby, and he knew the right places to turn down one street or another. As the group progressed, he chose to try starting up a new conversation. "So... Shinsuke, was it? I heard you mention to the receptionist you were from Hoenn. What about the rest of you? Where'd you all come from?"