[color=crimson][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Azakiel Gawoth. [color=crimson][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 28. [color=crimson][u][b]Race:[/b][/u][/color] Human. [color=crimson][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Image][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zUgRVBa.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Image2][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/aOxAiuy.png[/img][/center][/hider] [color=crimson][u][b]Description:[/b][/u][/color] Azakiel has always been a fair man, handsome of face and features, tall, athletic and charming to boot. Many might even consider him to be close to the idea of what a human noble ought to look like. His skin is paler than common, indicating his nobility, having spent less time out in the field and in the sun than common folk. His chestnut brown hair is straight and well tended, reaching down his shoulders in the form of a slight wave. His eyes have a cunning edge to them, while at the same time being observant and vigilant, trying ever their best not to miss any details. The rest of his facial features are somewhat sharp, with pronounced cheekbones said to be the mark of his family. With rigid discipline, he maintains a clean-shaven appearance, as much else of his appearance always remains well groomed and taken care of even in the most dire of situations. Clad in some of the finest/fanciest armor money can buy Azakiel is a sight to behold on his equally as fancily outfitted horse. His gilded armor however seems to have left significant room for mobility, considering he prefers lightning fast attacks on the field of battle, utilizing his cavalry where they are strongest. His helmet is decorated with a large plume of red feathers which could almost only be described as pompous, his presence upon the field of battle obvious. [color=crimson][u][b]Bio:[/b][/u][/color] The Gawoth family has always been a prominent one in Alsinu, bearing its ancestral home in Almasa itself. As such, they have often been advisers and seconds in command to the king himself, the recent High King was no different. There have often been whispers of Gawoth's jealousy towards the land's rulers, discontent with only being the second most powerful individuals in the land. Such whispers are only to be expected from ignorant peasants however, as the idea that it were they who were responsible for the death of he last High King has also been uttered. Rumors with no foundations. As one of the most principal and oldest families, it's no surprise that the Gawoth family has earned its richest on the backs of many non-human slaves and laborers, as well as having its hand in some of the most important trade monopolies feeding the economy. Azakiel was born as first and only son to the late Lord Uriel. From a young age, he has always been groomed to be the lord he was meant to be, showing promise for commanding and tactics. However, it son became clear that while the military and diplomatic lessons proved to be of little difficulty for the young lord, economics and trade were above is grasp. Indeed, once he came of age, he already started to spend more money than was proper. Over the years, his loose antics with coin have not improved. Up until today, his family had riches to spare. So far, he has not yet been proven wrong. As promising as he was however, several less desirable personality traits soon developed. Arrogance, vanity, self-righteousness, depravity and disregard for life being only a few of them. Being so high ranked in politics, it wasn't unsurprising that Azakiel was quickly given a prominent position in the army, commanding men efficiently as he proved to have a talent for such. He has been involved in several minor conflicts along the borders, his methods often however proving to be ruthless and brutal. Only a few years prior to the High King's demise, Azakiel rose to his position of head of his family, managing to further his interests in court and out in he field. Now, with the seat of the High King open, he feels that this is the right moment for him to step up and claim it for his own. With no true legitimate claim however, there was no telling how much support he needed to pull this off. To this end, Azakiel has left the capital, willing to form alliances with the orcs, elves or even the barbaric humans in order to help him claim the throne in exchange for concessions. [color=crimson][u][b]Role:[/b][/u][/color] Current head of the Gawoth noble family, commander, adviser, contender for the throne of High King. [color=crimson][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][/color] Azakiel is a skilled warrior, years of training with some of the finest tutors in the capital certainly proved their worth. He has been able to apply his skills in battle directly, not simply a backseat commander, he fancies being in the midst of the fighting, enabling him to inspire his troops close by and issue orders directly. He is no stranger to politics, having stood close to the High King himself, he knows how to manipulate people, form alliances and pacts. His charm can often succeed where his ruthless tactics in the field can not. [color=crimson][b][u]Weapons:[/u][/b][/color] Lance, spear, shield, sword, (armored horse if that counts).