Now that you are officially a squadron, you each will need to be assigned a Job (based on what background they have in our organization of course.)but if you really haven't thought of that yet,or if you have, here is a list of possible Professions: {post OoC to ask for more Info.} Soldier: You are Trained for combat and are ready to defend the fellow members of your squad from alien threats. Miner: you mine rocks and minerals to be tested on or be identified by a Geologist. Botanist: you study/test the plants around you to acquire information on the planet you are on for HQ. Mechanic: you are tasked with repairing broken machines and vehicles. Forager: you gather plants to eat or for a Botanist. Geologist: you study Rocks and Minerals Given to you to acquire info for HQ. Medic: you are there to supply medicinal assistance to those who are injured. Zoologist: you conduct research on the Fauna on your Planet. Hunter: you gather meat that is edible for your squadron. Farmer: you grow crops to eat or for any other purpose they serve. Invetor: you create new Items out of existing materials or, things you have discovered. {Choose 3 per cadet.}