This wasn't what he thought this would bubble up to and staring at the man now, he felt his stomach drop when he realized there was nothing he could do to help here. He wasn't powerful enough, he didn't think that any of them were and he had never felt so pathetic before. It was a bad feeling and it swamped him, rising with his hysteria and clawing for a grip of anything that might calm him but there was nothing calming about any of this. There wasn't a plan to be made and there was nothing he could do, realizing that was somehow worse. His breath came out in one sharp hiss of an exhale and he straightened up, he could feel a burning in his eyes and it felt like his throat was stuffed with cotton. Two dead bodies lay sprawled on the floor like discarded garbage and he felt as if he could vomit, his breathing was sharp and whistling in his throat. It was too much, he felt a tremble run through him and if offset the shakes, his body shuddering at the sight before him. He barely knew these people, he barely knew any of them and yet he felt so miserable about seeing them on the ground, he wanted to cry. He couldn't save them and he couldn't save himself, he couldn't save Rose or the girl with the pewter hair. He wasn't a hero and he knew that. He wasn't a [i]hero[/i] and he was going to die, he couldn't even pretend that he was heroic. He couldn't even put on a good show, he wasn't reckless or self sacrificing, he wasn't ever going to be. There wasn't a heroic bone in his body, he was a coward down to the last hair on his head, he couldn't do anything. He was about ready to hold his arms up in defeat when he noticed something very strange creeping forward. It stunned him for a moment and he stilled, he barely caught what happened next. Seemingly, a ripple in time took place though he supposed it must have been his imagination and the panic settling in his body but he barely saw- he barely heard- he was swamped. He couldn't keep up with the wisp- or whatever the hell this anomaly was- he couldn't- had he read something about something like this? About shadows being the bringers of- was it the bringers of prophecy or death? Why did he know so much useless lore anyhow? His thoughts were becoming babbling mush and he gave up thinking in general for sometime. He just shut his eyes and breathed. It felt much too long and when he had [i]just[/i] decided he must have died, he realized he was sitting in an empty concrete room with a lone lightbulb and a man. The others were nearby but his brain felt too pressed to try to decide whether it was safe to look at them or not. He wondered if they were dead, he wondered why they would be dead if he wasn't and nearly snorted out loud before glancing to them. [i]Breathing, in tact and just a few hairs out of place. That was fine.[/i] The man that turned towards them seemed mostly normal, it calmed his heart rate enough that he managed to stumble out his words. "[color=00a651]Where are we? I- Why are we here? This isn't bad, right?[/color]" He realized how young and scared he sounded for a moment and took in a rattling breath and drew his fingers through his red hair to smooth it as much as he could. His pale blue eyes were still wild with fear but at least he'd regulated his breathing, he wondered if this would turn out badly or if they were really, truly done with battles for the day. "[color=00a651]Because if I'm going to die a tragic death, I could have done it back there and I'm still not feeling it.[/color]" a desperate laugh.