[hider=Niinii] Name: Niinii Home World: Ivalice Age: 14 Description: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxiidata/images/f/f0/Nono_RW.PNG/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20100105231901[/img] Origin: Ivalice - Ivalice is a world with a very long history and many stories of it's past. But the world is no longer, for the heartless has consumed the world's heart. Though only a moogle child Niinii is bright and brilliant as he avoided many of the heartless attacks and last a long time before on his own. Niinii days before Ivalice was taken over by heartless he found a blueprint for a strange device that said he will be able to leave Ivalice before the Heartless take over. He worked day and night on this device in the hopes that he could make it before the Heartless find him. Hours before Ivalice was taken, Niinii built the world's first and last Gummi ship. But before he could leave the Heartless attacked his workshop and he was surrounded and away from the Gummi ship, before he has resigned himself to his demise a light surrounded him as the heartless jumped at him and suddenly he held a giant key in his hand. And he felt he could fight back, even though he was ill-trained he flailed his way through the heartless and made it to his gummi ship and barely escaped the claws of the Heartless but for how long? With his gummi ship, he found a world free of the heartless, Traverse Town. But he is alone with only a Keyblade to defend himself with. Abilities: [Technical know-how] Niinii is a brilliant moogle even amongst the technology inclined moogles. He can learn and replicate any technology he sees and has time to study. To him all tech is precious and he is passionate about everything technological, and will always adapt everything he finds to be better, to be used more comfortable for him. [Deft Hands] His hands are tiny, cute and fast. He can do things that the giant clumsy hands of humans can't. Like unlock a door without a keyblade and fix things in a tiny space, making it more easier to fix tech since he can be fast and safe at the same time. He also good at disarming traps. [Moogle-ness!] Being a moogle Niinii is weaker and less durable than a human but he's faster and more agile also cuter! He can also jump higher then most people and can glide for a very short time. [Cutie-patootie] He's adorable to the core! Nobody could avoid his moogle-ly charms and he knows it. He will use his cuteness to his advantage. [Clumsy] He doesn't know how to use his keyblade to the best of his ability yet, and he depends on his agility and smarts to survive a fight. And he needs a lot of training to become good with his keyblade. [hr] What are you afraid of? "Heartless. They are scary and dangerous and...destroyed my home, Kupo..." What do you want out of life? "I want to be able to fix things back to normal, so I can continue to learn and fix things, Kupo." What's most important to you? "Learning and fixing things, I want to uncover the reasons why and fix all the problems I find, Kupo." [/hider]