Name: Oswald Crowley Age: 21 Appearance: Oswald is large and broad-shouldered, standing at around six feet tall. He's built like a brick and covered in scars, with black hair, brown eyes, rigid features and a nose that's been broken so many times it's grown kind of crooked. He wears a hodgepodge of leather armor and filthy street clothes, rarely being seen without a hood or wrappings over his fists. Personality: Oswald is clever, brutal, and tempestuous. He is a proud young man, quick to fight and anger. He cares for very little in this world, save for himself and his younger brother Darius, whom he can be very protective of. He possesses little in the way of education, but operates with a criminal's cunning. He has an active disrespect of authority and gives not a single rat's ass about precepts of honesty, honor, or fair play. Skills Master Brawler Master Knife-Fighter Expert Marksman (With flintlocks) Expert Street-Smarts Adept Thief