May I please apply to join. (I dunno how to apply. >_<) I'd like to use my character Megan. I can use a different character if I can't use her though. Name: Megan Starling Age: 16 How your char looks: //I don't have a picture of her so I'll describe her// Megan is a tall-ish girl with skin that's on the border of albino. Her hair is dark brown in colour and short, this is a problem for her since it makes her skin appear even paler. She has hazel eyes. Typically she wears a light blue hoody. History: She lived in a forest with her grandma since she was a baby. She never had contact with the outside world until she went to the magic school What your dream is: "To do well at school and maybe help find a great place for my gran to stay, where she'll never have to work ever again...and kill every single mouse and rat in existence." What kind of magic you have: Megan can do anything with fire. (she mainly uses it to make rats and mice burst into flames)