[centre] [img]http://s14.postimg.org/3zjnl2241/Portrait_Erdrik.png[/img] [h1][color=82ca9d]Akriel N. Sandalphon[/color][/h1] [b][color=82ca9d]21[/color][/b] [i][color=82ca9d]Akriel was known as one of the guild's most cheerful members, often putting up a smile whatever happens. However, after the massacre of the Seraphs, Akriel's demeanour changed drastically. His tongue began to spit even the vilest of words, especially when talking about their enemies. The smiling lad's visage was replaced by that of a man who had seen the lives of others flash before his eyes. Still, Akriel maintains his caring and soft attitude when it comes to his sworn brothers and sisters, often putting them ahead of himself. Another thing that changed was Akriel's view of power. Before, the naivety of the lad made him boast so much of his guild but, now, he despises those that think their power is enough for any situation. In short, Akriel despises the very naivety that he had once possessed. Since anger is the one fuelling Akriel's quest for vengeance, the fallen seraph is dead-set on accomplishing his journey of redemption... perhaps, even at the expense of his brothers-in-arms.[/color][/i] [b][color=00a651]Aether Potential Affinity[/color] [/b] [i][color=82ca9d]Akriel's magical affinity is [u]Poison[/u]. The lad's blood is already poisonous in itself. Another perk to his affinity is his decent resistance to almost any type of poison, given that he doesn't intake too much. Note that he is resistant, not immune. Deadly dosages can still prove fatal to him.[/color][/i] [color=00a651]Aether Artefact [/color] [b][color=82ca9d]Sword Vulcan[/color][/b] [i][color=82ca9d]This arcane sword allows Akriel to channel his magical affinity to the blade, giving the sword an ominous green glow. In addition, Akriel cause the blade to liquefy into a poisonous liquid that he can use to envenom his enemies' open wounds. At his current level, Akriel's abilities are still mediocre.[/color][/i] [color=00a651]Skills[/color] [i][color=82ca9d][u]Master Swordsman[/u] - Akriel is an expert in swordsmanship, being able to master the different types of sword techniques from the different disciplines. However, he is quite poor in the field of his magical affinity, causing Akriel to rely more on his swordsmanship than his magic. The lad is confident in his ability to duel multiple foes, however, a sword is still a sword-- range attacks will prove to be trouble for him. [u]First-Aid Learned[/u] - Akriel knows the basic methods of binding and curing wounds. Graver wounds are out of his league.[/color][/i] [/centre]