Name: Fion Home World: Twilight Town Age: 15 Description: Fion is a collected young man but has a tendency to be overly confidant,is fairly laid back and will help anyone in need. [hider=Appearence] [img][/img] [/hider] Origin: One day Fion was getting on a train to twilight station when suddenly a group of heartless mostly consting of shadow's and one or two soldiers they were only interested in Fion and ignored everything else. Fion quickly pulled out his struggle bat hoping he could beat down these enemies. He quickly however realized a foam bat wasn't going to do much and found himself cornered then a soldier pounced at him and attempted to guard only for his struggle bat to become a keyblade blocking the attack. Fion then began to attack the enemies with the new weapon taking out a few enemies but quickly found it hopeless as the enemies wouldn't stop popping up then at the last minute a weird train popped up and taking his chances Fion entered it thinking he was safe he sat down too take a breather. only for moments later the train going out of control and derailing launching Fion out he soon awoke in the streets of traverse town. Abilities: [Adaptable] Fion is very adaptable and able to adapt to almost any situation he will learn from most mistakes he makes and others to try and better himself. [Struggler] Fion has spent years struggling be it tournaments or just his friends helping develop fighting abilities such as using a sword and being quick on his feet and dodging. [Technical] Fion despite his young age is very skillful at combat and beacuse of it has developed a few techniques such as a dodge named quick run where he does a short distance dash where he moves at very quick speed he also developed a technique he aptly calls sonic blade where he dashes through an opponent with his weapon both damaging and a decent dodge. [Knowledgeable/Avid reader] Fion enjoys reading books and will read anything if it seems interesting due to this he has basic knowledge of several things most people wouldn't bother with such as seeing weak points in enemy's, knowledge of various animals and creatures aswell knowledge on machinery and technology allowing to do at least basic maintenance and repairs on various technology. [Flashy] Fion has a bad tendency to be overly flashy when he fights having flair and unnecessary movements. A now for the most important part. Answer these questions in character, as if asked by a close friend. What will these questions do when answered? Well that's yet to be known. What are you afraid of? a monster capable of destroying reality itself. What do you want out of life? To simply have a good life doing what I want and acting like myself. What's most important to you? friends I guess.