[b]Name:[/b] Ahltaena Bahreseth [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Blood%20Rage/KS_BP_Sha_Keel_01_crop_zpsmr8mchsx.png[/img] [b]Description:[/b] Ahltaena stands in sharp contrast to the more civilized humans of Alinsu. Under her cream skin are slabs of lean, whipcord muscle. She dons plates of mail and chain cobbled together, giving her an uncouth, barbaric appearance. Most striking is the hood she wears over her face, hiding her features under crimson cloth and ornaments of bone. She is grim and terse, least of all when fighting. In battle, she hardly utters a grunt; instead she maintains an eerie silence, while making her intentions clear with action. [b]Bio:[/b] Ahltaena comes from a wild race of humans that call themselves the Iyssar. Their territory spans from the edges of Ardumwat to Qahila - uncharted wilderness that is shunned by the people of Alinsu. The Iyssar are split into many independent communities, although they generally acknowledge one another as their own kind and trade between themselves. Ahltaena is the daughter of a chieftain who oversees one of the largest of these communities. As a result, the Bahreseth clan has a heavy hand in Iyssarian affairs. When they learned that the High King had fallen, the Iyssarian tribes collectively prepared for the balance of power in Rayisa to shift. With Alinsu’s power base reeling from the loss of its monarch, the Iyssar prepared to take advantage of the discord. For the time being, Alinsu’s forces were occupied elsewhere, leaving the Iyssar an opportunity to ride out across Rayisa, sacking isolated settlements and tribes of other races. Alinsu itself would be the ultimate prize, however, the Iyssar knew that they’d have a better chance to face the Alinsunians with cooperation from other factions. Ahltaena was sent by her father to scour the territories for potential allies in the warring that was certain to erupt. Although by no means friends of the Iyssar, the orc tribes could be counted as valuable candidates, and perhaps the other wildmen of the desert. With a small warband in tow, she rode out to secure the Iyssarian’s victory-to-come and crush those too weak to stand against them. [b]Role:[/b] Warlord, Emissary, Headhunter [b]Skills:[/b] Excellent fighter, Riding, Foraging, Hunting, Battle-leader [b]Weapons:[/b] Though Ahltaena could pick up most arms from the ground and do very well with them, she usually carries a pair of arming swords and a blade with a wicked hook at the tip. She is prone to use whatever is most available at the time, frequently picking up the weapons of the dead or dying when it is convenient to do so.