[b][center]The Mor[/center][/b] Leaning back in the chair Gwen looked around, this was not where she wanted to be. She had the ability to run the tower, she was fully trained but the mines were always more comfortable to her for some odd reason. She was one of the few singers out there that wasn’t insane, perhaps it was because she had chosen to go to them instead of breaking and being forced to. It wasn’t a life many could handle but she had for several decades now. It was hard work, dirty and even heart breaking but in the end she did love it. “Ailen, Criag has locked them up and there are guards for now. Just grab some food and come back up here. Maybe we can get a few things done around here while we wait for the storm to pass now that we know that Silvia is at least alive right now.” Looking over towards Ailen she perked a brow at the mention a plan that Craig had had and commed him. “So what is this plan you have in the works?” she asked. “It’s a long story, I will let you know as soon as I make contact with someone. Till then I will be in my quarters catching up on some much needed rest so I can relieve Ailen in a few hours. Right now I am about to pass out after a nearly 48 hour shift,” he said before cutting the com and lying down on his bed. He knew he would be no good to them if he didn’t get at least a few hours’ sleep before continuing anything else. The storm should be passed them by then and then things can return to normal. Whatever that is. [b][center]Safe Room[/center][/b] “Nowhere for now, we have to wait for the storm to pass,” Silvia said as she looked over to him. “When the humming stops it will be safe to move,” she added as she stepped away from him and turned to look around the room. She needed to change but there wasn’t exactly a place to do that, it was a single room with no sectioned off area. Sighing she figured she just would have to suck it up, they were both adults and she had undergarments on. It wasn’t like they were two teen agers that had never seen anything in their lives. Stepping over to the clothing she went through what was there and she sighed slightly. There was nothing there that was small enough for her but it wasn’t something she wasn’t used to. She had a feeling that Gaia had a worse time of it than she did finding clothing that fit. Finding the smallest Singer jumper she could she kept her back to Karras and kicked her boots off before unzipping the jumper she was wearing and slipping out of it; leaving herself in her undergarments. Holding up the jumper she took off she sighed, it was ripped to shreds but she figured better it than her. Stepping one foot at a time she pulled the jumper up and secured it back at her waist, thinking that it was better than putting it on fully since it would just swallow her whole. Once she finished tying the sleeves around her waist she sat down on the ground and pulled her boots back on. “I know you probably hate the GTC as much as many of us and I won’t lie. Your people may be caught in the middle of this but I want you to know I am not just doing this for talents. The Brax’Na shouldn’t be in the position where they are now. Having to survive off of what the GTC gives them. On Earth the talents makes three times as much that work for the mines than you do here and your mine produces much better crystals than Earth does,” she said as she finished lacing up her boots. “I know, my personal crystal was from this mine,” she said as she turned around and smiled over to him. “I doubt you realize how valuable your mining rights are and what the GTC would do to be rid of your race,” she added as her smiled failed. Standing up and brushing herself off she walked over to him. “It’s one of the reasons I came here first. There are rumors of what the GTC plans to do to get those rights. I don’t want your people annihilated. No race should have to live in fear,” she said as she looked up at him and rested her hand on his arm. “I can’t say it will be an easy road but I will do everything I can to protect your people. I promise.”