[h2]Samir Saron[/h2] As soon as her name was announced, Samir jolted her eyes from polishing her bow. Once again, this seemed to be yet another surprise as the Bow-Magic user wasn't expecting to fight so soon, let alone taking the place of Revan. Suddenly, Harpi burst through the waiting room door with a thunderous clank of the doors. "Sammy-san! Sammy-san!" squawks the loli-like harpy, "Harpy-chan just found out Revan-san has been kicked out of the GMG! Your up next!" "I know Harpi-chan." replies Samir as she stands up while gripping her bow, "It's surprising enough that I'm going up next." As she begins to walk out the door, she then looks back at Harpi with a smile and a wink. "Let the spirit of Harpy grant us victory." Little Harpi quickly salutes in the air as Samir opens the doors to the arena. She slowly walks to the middle of the arena, and quickly greets Nigel once she sees him. "Greetings Nigel." she will say politely as she clinks the chain to her, "Ready for the battle at hand? Cause it's going to be quite a... bizarre fight." [@Vec]