[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Park || May 1 FRI[/h3] [color=violet]"Inoue the Iron-legged...? I might have heard of such name somewhere but I'm afraid I have no relations to the sports circle in school, so it must not have been from there."[/color] Tilting her head slightly, Shizuka attempted to recall where she might have heard of it for a moment or so to no avail. As Alexei explained what sort of club he was in, the younger student listened intently, nodding from time to time as a gesture that she was indeed listening. After hearing the details of what the club was all about, she started to comment when the upperclassman finished with the types of martial arts[?]. [color=violet]"Such a club would be truly helpful to the students, especially with the serial kidnappings of high school students on going as of recent."[/color] She trembled to the thought of it happening to anyone she knew. It must have been a terrible and traumatizing experience for the victims. Before going off topic, she continued, [color=violet]"Bu-But Mu.. Muay Bo... Bo-- Um...? Martial arts sound a little too... b-brutal or physical for myself, but it does sound like a splendid club. I do hope you will be able to recruit more new members, perhaps from the freshmen group."[/color] Shizuka suggested, since the first years were still new to the school and some of them, like Shizuka, may not have been in any of them so far. In response to the exchange between Elena and Matthew, the raven haired student merely flashed an awkward smile at the foreign boy's rude yet '[i]probably[/i] not meant to be offensive' comment. The Japanese girl could somewhat understand his shock. Looking back at her meeting with the Dragunov siblings, she might not have been able to guess they were related unless they introduced them so. [color=fff79a]"Hohoho, what do we have here? Shizuka, two foreign boys and one foreign girl?"[/color] That familiar, perky voice. With a quick turn of her head, there she was, [i]Rinko[/i]. Oh no, Shizuka had taken too long, Nozomi must have asked her to search for their missing friend. [color=fff79a]"If you were gonna have a mixer, you shoulda invited us too! So which one of them were you gonna ask for his e-mail address, huh?"[/color] The latter statement was loud enough to be overheard, Rinko having no idea that these people understood Japanese after all. She poked the cheek of the now blushing girl. The short haired girl made it sound like a joke but the thought embarrassed the shy girl nonetheless. I mean... Matthew was someone she had just 'stumbled' upon and she had barely known much about Alexei too. But the storm of cherry blossom petals being carried by the wind in the background, the season of spring of youth, the bright sun rays shining down upon them, .....This was exactly like a shoujo mang-- No. It was like.... an [i]otome game[/i]. --- Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side ~Foreigner Ver.~ LOADING. . . > NEW GAME LOADING. . . . . . GAME START! No no no no NO. [color=violet]"Ri-Ri-Rinko-chan! P-Please don't be ridiculous, t-they're just my senpai and no-nothing more! I-I mean... I-I just happened to meet them b-by [s]literal[/s] accident, th-that's all."[/color] The panic and fluster in her tone was clear as the blue sky today while she fidgeted with a tomato red face. Before making this any more embarrassing on her part, she quickly bowed and bid her farewell before brisk walking away from the scene. [color=violet]"I-I apologize for my su-sudden leave but I must go. Ou-Our friend is waiting for us t-to buy drinks. Go-Good bye and so-sorry once again for hitting both of you wi-with a coin."[/color] And ZOOM she went. Rinko was caught off guard by her speedy walk, she started to run after her friend as a shouting at the distant can be heard, '[i]Shizuka! I was joking! Come on! Slow down a bit, will you![/i]'. [hr][h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Shinza Shopping Square || May 3 SUN[/h3] A light humming was heard along a street of the Shinza Shopping Square, not particularly of a song, but a vague, happy tune. It was from the lips of Shizuka, who held a paper bag close to her chest. A paper bag full of manga worth a whole month to read. But of course, it was sealed properly, no passersby would suspect her of being a huge otaku. Content with the purchases she made today, she was in a rather great mood due to it. Before heading home to indulge in her hobbies, her feet ceased in their tracks. What had made her pause? Realization of walking down the wrong path. Who knew there was a part to Shinza Shopping Square that she was not familiar of? While tracing back her steps, a bookstore she had never seen before. Yoshida Book Cafe. Huh. A bookstore and a cafe combined together? Curious, Shizuka stepped inside and found herself between shelves of books and more books. Earlier that day, she might have had purchases of manga but she supposed she could take a look at a couple of sewing and clothes tailoring books. Picking out a few books and magazine of such type from a shelf, since they seemed to be organized in a certain way, Shizuka headed to the counter to order a drink for herself. [color=violet]"Um... Would you happen to have milk tea? If not, I would like to have a glass of cold green tea instead."[/color] After placing her order for a beverage with the old shop keeper, the female student settled down on a desk, resting her purse, paper bag of manga and the rest of the books atop the table before flipping through one of the cloth tailoring books.