[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_I61UOi1oHI/TvN6DrRAGMI/AAAAAAAAACc/gCt-oHLvOPY/w426-h255/star_wings_by_bigfelladesign.jpg[/img][/center] [b]2nd Offense Brigade Exploration Fleet - Designation 'Starwings'[/b] [i][/Champion-General Sodam Lak of the Ragior Tribe's message log][/i] [indent] [i][//Message #28.A - Daily Progress Report to Central Command] [//Play message][/i] [/indent] "This is Champion-General Sodam Lak to Central Command. Do you read me, Central Command?" "This is Central Command. We hear you loud and clear, Champion-General. Proceed with your Progress Report." "Thank you, Central. As you know, forty-eight hours after the Collapse and our transport to this new universe, our communication buoys began registering unknown radio waves. We increased the gain of our network to maximum and traced the source of this anomaly to a