[b]"Here is a boon, you can have the choice between a great weapon, a great power bestowed on you, or I can grant you higher status in your bloodline. It would be your choice, as I am an avatar, and I"m not sure how good either of those would be for you. Maybe you could enlighten me as you make your decision? I can make you a weapon of your choice, like I said, and grant an enchantment you would find pleasant. The power bestowed on you would grant you a higher charismatic drive towards your adherents (Worshipers in most cases), and lastly the higher status is just instantly boosted power. I might, on reflection, choose the charismatic drive to gather more power in the long term. It's a lot less effort on your part, and I truly appreciate the demonstration of your awesome battle skills. Only Ialu could match that strength, precision, speed and reflexes."[/b] He breathed deeply and exhaled normal air, although very forcefully, almost enough to knock a great hero off his feet and send him sprawling or even air born for a dozen yards. This man named Vestus was one of the most interesting mighty doers in the world. [b][i]"So, Vestus, I can see that your strength is so much better than any other, you could make an Empire that spans the entire Western world. (Eh, stay out of Orabakh, please). Would it be advantageous for you if we stayed in close negotiations? I could occasionally grant support for your Empire, for equitable prices and sometimes for no reason".[/i][/b]