[center][h1][color=E9967A]Character Applications:[/color][/h1][/center] The process will consist of two parts: Part 1 will be public, and Part 2 will be kept private. Each RPer will be allowed only one character. Your character must be a (relatively, at least) normal human being. By that I mean someone that you could conceivably meet in real life. You may post Part 1 in the OOC tab when you are finished. Upon acceptance of your character, please repost Part 1 in this tab. [hider=Part 1][b]Name:[/b] (you can use an alias or nickname if you want, as long as their real name is included in part 2) [b]Approximate Age Range:[/b] (early 20’s, mid-30’s, etc. Must be at least 18) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (be as descriptive as you want. You can add a picture if you want.) [b]Attire:[/b] (be as descriptive as you want) [b]If you met this person on the street and didn’t know them, what would be your first impression of them?[/b][/hider] DO NOT post Part 2 anywhere within this thread. It is to be PM’ed to me alone. Anything included in Part 2 that you wish to reveal to the other players must be done in-character. [hider=Part 2][b]Age:[/b] (must be at least 18) [b]Birthday:[/b] (assume this RP takes place in the year 2015) [b]Hometown:[/b] [b]Marital Status:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Favorite and Least Favorite food:[/b] [b]Favorite Genre of Music:[/b] [b]Hobby/Hobbies:[/b] [b]Something That Annoys Him/Her:[/b] [b]Something He/She Fears:[/b] [b]Future Goal/Dream:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] (be as descriptive as you want) [b]Backstory:[/b] (be as descriptive as you want) [b]You may include anything else that you wish, such as relationship with parents, what pets they have, their morning routine, etc.[/b] [b]Lastly, construct a sample post involving this character. It can be about anything you want. Use at least ten sentences.[/b][/hider] Please submit both Parts around the same time if you can.