[b][h3]Name[/h3][/b] • Tera [b][h3] Home World[/h3][/b] • The Grid [b][h3] Age[/h3][/b] • 14 [b][h3]Description[/h3][/b] [img]http://gamedesignreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/kat_closeup.jpg[/img] • Tera is a decent sized teenage gir- ah, [b]ISO[/b], sorry. She stands at roughly five feet seven inches tall and weighs about 101 lbs. Her hair is shoulder length, a light blonde in colour, and her eyes are a bright, apple-coloured red. • She is a peppy, cheery gal who enjoys reading, learning and exploring. Always curious and eager to learn, she often comes off as nosy or rude at times, but always means well. • Her voice, though slightly higher pitched and smooth for her, is also slightly flanged because of her simply being from the Grid. [hider=Her clothes][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5n4YDNARfA8/T-uvd4mvASI/AAAAAAAACWk/sLL8HzoYoa4/s1600/662_1_woman+web_16+copy.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][h3]Origin[/h3][/b] Tera comes from the Grid, one of the worlds originally held by Nightmares. When Sora inadvertently released her world from its slumber, she and the rest of the inhabitants of the Grid awoke from their ageless slumber. Now, obviously she didn't know that this young boy had freed her world, it was like she'd awoken from some dreamless slumber. No stranger to weird things, after all she [b]did[/b] live within a computer simulation, the appearance of Heartless within the streets of the Grid was nonetheless surprising. Nothing organic had been seen in the city since the Creator last walked the hallowed roads. Her friends would be fine, of course, but she wanted answers. Her inquisitive nature led her to the portal; a way out of the digital world that led to parts unknown. The Creator once used it to move in and out of the Grid, but he was gone now. As she moved towards the portal, a score of Heartless appeared before her, threatening her adventure. Quite incensed that she'd been so rudely interrupted, she drew her data disk to prepare for battle. Which, of course, is when it transformed into a Keyblade. With it she fought her way through the mob of Heartless and disappeared into the portal. It dropped her into Traverse Town, a strange new world, where she was a stranger who knew no one except herself. Now she seeks others like herself, Key wielders, in an attempt to understand what's going on. [b][h3]Abilities[/h3][/b] [Fast Learner] - Being a computer program herself, her brain is wired for extremely fast computing and learning. As a result, anything she tries to pick up and learn is almost instantly computed and processed into a natural ability to do said thing. [Fast Reflexes] - Of course, having a wired brain means her reflexes are significantly sharper than most. She reacts to things a whole lot quicker, though her reactions are usually that of panic. [Fighting Novice] - As good as she can learn and react quick, her fighting prowess is horrid. At most she can swing her Keyblade around effectually enough to [b]maybe[/b] score a Heartless hit, but with nothing and no one to learn from, she will continue to remain horrible at combat, unless of course she comes across someone that teaches her how to fight well. [Restructured Code] - Being an ISO has its merits. For example, passive regeneration of damaged or corrupted code being one of those merits. It comes as a part of her being wholly computer based. [Puzzle Solver] - Being so curious and inquisitive also has its merits, like being able to observe and solve a puzzle extremely quickly. Her wired brain also lends a part to this, of course. [b][h3]Questionnaire[/h3][/b] [u]What are you afraid of?[/u] "Stopping!" [u]What do you want out of life?[/u] "A grand adventure!" [u]What's most important to you?[/u] "My friends and my life. The two are interchangeable. Oh! Learning stuff too!"