[hider=Jo-Anne] [hider=Personal] Name: Jo-Anne (Jo-Ann is a fabric shop; Yarne would want to continue the -ne tradition and Nah would want her child to have a normal name) Race: Taguel/Manakete/Human Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] Looks like Panne (pictured below), but taller and her two braids are mint green, tail sticks out of hole in dress(described in armor) [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/b/bd/Vel1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130119151854[/img] [/hider] Nation: Ylisse Class: Taguel Character Level: 2 (45/200) Class Level: 2 (40/200) [/hider] [hider= Base Skills] HP: 30 STR: 14 (Excel) (Weapon: +5) MAG: 4 (Lack) SKL: 14 (Excel) (Armor: +5) SPD: 12 (Excel) LCK: 10 DEF: 11 (Lack) RES: 11 (Lack) [/hider] [hider=Gear] Armor: None, just wears a medium length dark blue dress with light brown designs( Yarne's color scheme)and a tail hole, and a red cape (+5 SKL) Weapon: Beaststone (+5 STR)(48 uses left) Other: Dragonstone(she can wield it but it's more of "the manakete twins"' thing, 49 uses left), Vulenary(x2) [/hider] [hider=Unique] Skills: Job Traits= Even Rhythm, Beastbane; Special Traits= Romantic: Bonds more easily with single males, Sneak: Can sneak past units without being detected but only works in Taguel and human form, dragon is just too big Quirks: Extremely curious, Naive, Angered by her father's over protectionism, Eager to prove herself to Yarne by being a Shepherd, Loves the wilderness, Desires to marry and actively seeks for a good potential husband Bonds: Arrus:Level D, Gabranth:Level D ,Erion:Level D, Robert: No Level [/hider] [/hider]