[b]Toma Tanaka - May 1st[/b] Toma smiled easily as Noboru said he recognized him. The boy's slight awkwardness was not lost on Toma, and it was something the taller boy understood -- it had always felt a little strange interacting with Taiki's friends. Drawing from his past experiences, Toma decided to do his best to put his junior at ease. [color=f26522]"Yup, that's me,"[/color] he began, slipping his good hand in his pocket and letting the other one dangle. [color=f26522]"Oh? I didn't have to go through any sort of facade. Aiko was pretty welcoming the moment I spoke to him. Though I have noticed he can get a little... uh, uppity, I guess."[/color] The boy gave a small laugh. [color=f26522]"He's a good guy at heart for sure, though."[/color] Toma paused, thinking over how he should go about asking Noboru about his kidnapping. After a moment's deliberation, the only thing that came to mind was to just get to it. [color=f26522]"Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you about your kidnapping."[/color] The tall boy paused again, letting that statement hang in the air for a second. [color=f26522]"I'm extremely glad you turned up unharmed. You probably know, but Aiko had been worried sick about you, and he spent the entire time you were gone looking for you,"[/color] Toma said with a small smile. [color=f26522]"I'm sure you're tired of being asked about it, but do you know anything about the people who nabbed you...?"[/color] Toma glanced away, worrying that his questions would upset the other boy. [color=f26522]"I want to find out everything I can about these incidents. To, uh, try and do something about it, I guess--"[/color] As he spoke, his cell phone began vibrating, telling him he had an incoming call. Toma rose his eyebrows in mild confusion as he pulled the phone out. He hadn't received a call on it since arriving in Warakuma, instead having only been texting. Checking the number and thinking he vaguely recognized it, he gave a quick bow to Noboru to excuse himself as he answered. To his surprise, it was Yoshida, asking him to come in and work at the Cafe. [color=f26522]"Right now?"[/color] Toma asked, glancing at Noboru. [color=00746b]"If it's not too much trouble,"[/color] was the response. Toma thought it over, quickly deciding that he couldn't say no -- if this kept up, he'd soon officially have a job at the place. [color=f26522]"Alright, I'll come over."[/color] Turning back to Noboru, he scratched the back of his neck. [color=f26522]"I'm sorry for leaving as suddenly as I appeared, Noboru-san,"[/color] he began, looking disheartened.[color=f26522] "If it's not too bothersome, I'd like to speak with you at another time. And I don't want to impose, but if you ever need any help with anything, I'd be glad to lend a hand, especially seeing as your Aiko's family,"[/color] he added. With that, he gave a quick wave and went off. [hr] [b]May 3rd | Shinza Shopping Square - Yoshida Book Café[/b] As Toma walked through town to Yoshida's shop, he unwrapped a small red lollipop and stuck it in his mouth. This was, what, the fourth time the old man had called him to ask him to help for the day? Toma wasn't complaining -- work was work, after all -- but he kind of wished the man would offer him a proper part-time job. He didn't mind working there. It wasn't very stressful, but there had been more customers in the last couple days, keeping Toma from getting too bored. It was certainly slow enough that Yoshida would be able to take care of everything himself, so Toma wasn't sure why the man kept calling him back, but he didn't think too much about it. As it was now, Yoshida was the one actually making the drinks and running the little business, while Toma took care of everything else, especially keeping the place clean and doing any neccessary heavy lifting. When it came to waiting on customers, they basically took turns. In short, it was pleasant, if not as intensive as the boy imagined he would prefer. Toma opened the door into the cafe, causing a small bell to go off, and noticed the two customers, both appearing to be high-school age. He walked by quietly, not wanting to disturb them, as they both were reading. [color=00746b]"Ah, Toma-kun, good day,"[/color] Yoshida greeted from behind the counter as the tall boy approached. [color=f26522]"Hello, Yoshida-san. I see business is booming,"[/color] Toma replied with a small nod and smirk. The man laughed softly. [color=00746b]"Could you bring our guests their drinks once I have them finished?"[/color] he asked, busy with readying the orders. Toma glanced back at the two for a moment. [color=f26522]"Sure, just let me change quickly."[/color] He stepped into the back room, putting down his bag and hanging up his jacket. After tossing the stick of his finished lollipop into the trash, he slid on a nicer, white button-up shirt over his white t-shirt, and tied a small black apron around his waist. It was plain and simple, nothing extravagant, which was how he liked it. Toma stepped back out through the swinging door just as Yoshida placed the drinks on the counter. [color=f26522]"Milk tea for the young lady, and coffee for the gentleman,"[/color] the old man said with two quick points to the cups. The tall boy scooped them up, one in his left hand and one in his right, which had been healing okay and was becoming more and more usuable by the day. As he stepped around the counter, he heard the boy's voice, speaking to the girl. Toma slowed his walking pace down, hoping to arrive near them during a pause in the conversation. Which is exactly what happened, just according to keikaku*. [color=f26522]"I'm sorry to disturb you two, but here are your drinks. Milk tea,"[/color] he said, as he placed the girl's drink in front of her, [color=f26522]"And coffee,"[/color] he finished, giving the boy his, the saucer clinking against the small table. [color=f26522]"I'm Tanaka Toma. If either of you need any help at all, feel free to give me a shout."[/color] With that, he bowed and stepped away, back towards the counter, noting to himself with an amused half-smile that the old man was gone, likely in the back room stealing a nap. [i]*(Author's note: keikaku means plan)[/i]