[h1]Revan[/h1] Revan had been napping through all of the matches, listening out only for when his name would be inevitably called. When at last the moment came, he stretched his arms, scratched his chest, then proceeded to rise up from where he was laying down. As he cracked his neck in preparation to fight, however, he would then be given some rather infuriating news. He said nothing, just stood there looking up at Kyou with unrestrained annoyance. Oh, and he was emitting an immense amount of magical power unconsciously, which would cause some of the crowd near the Harpy area to faint, and those who didn't faint would find themselves feeling as if an enormous pressure was pressing down on them from all around. This feeling would spread over a majority of the arena, the only ones to not be overly bothered or affected by this pressure would be the guild masters and Wizard Saints in the audience. "Are you telling me that I came all the way here, spent all that time training, just to be told I'm not participating right before I get to fight? Does that royal fuck-off really like pissing me off that much? Well then, you can go tell [i]his majesty[/i] to fuck himself with his own royal scepter, then do us all a favor by throwing his ass of a cliff." Revan's voice was hardly more than a whisper, but it resonated through the air so that everyone present could hear his voice, which had taken on an intense, distorted quality that made him sound especially demonic. He didn't need to see the messenger to guess that it was the king who gave the order, that fucker always liked to assert his authority over Revan by pulling crap like this and holding his past like a hostage to get away with it. [i]If the fucker didn't want me to participate in the games, he should've told me from the mother-fucking start![/i] After taking a few breathes to calm himself down, all of which failed, he turned his attention to Nigel and Samir, focusing more on the latter who took his place. "A for you two, If you lose this match, then you're both going to be stuck taking on my training regimen for the next 3 months, and I'm talking about my real one, not the warm ups I do to keep myself from going soft." The 'warms ups' he was talking about were hunting and fighting some of the strongest magic beasts out there with just his bare hands and the weakest magic he has at his disposal. Needless to say, if that was his warm-up, they likely didn't want to see what he did for real. And, unlike his other threats, everyone in Harpy knew that he'd follow through on this one, he always followed through on any promise made while he's enraged. After giving the other S-ranked mages 'incentive to win', Revan left the room, needing to get some air before he ended up breaking something(or someone) in his anger. He barely noticed Harpy's arrival, though once he did, he lessened his magical somewhat. Being at ground zero of this pressure would probably cause the young one to faint or, at the very least, become highly fatigued both physically and mentally. Also, instead of opening the doors like a normal person, Revan opted instead to kick them off their hinges, sending them hurtling through the air and narrowly missing a pedestrian. "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back when I'm less likely to cause more collateral damage. Kat, you can take the cost of the door out of my account." With that said, Revan would begin his walk around the Arena to blow of steam, his presence again reducing to normal, but he was still dangerously angry and thus should not be approached carelessly. [@Vec] [@Lmpkio] [@Masaki Haruna] [h1][color=SkyBlue]Aiden[/color][/h1] "I can believe it, Sable and I tried to fight him one time and he-" Aiden found himself cut off as he felt an immense pressure come over him. His breath felt a bit constricted as he looked over to the source, feeling as if he had a boulder strapped to his back. He could hear Revan's voice as it reverberated through the air. It wasn't unit the man had finally finished that Aiden continued, letting go off a breath he didn't no he was holding. ". . . What kind of monster is he to be able to give off such an intense amount of magical power. I thought you were exaggerating before, but now, I can clearly see that he's probably more than capable of that. I guess it should be a surprise for a Saint candidate, but still. . ." Aiden turned to Marduk, wondering what the man knew about it, before dismissing the notion. He highly doubted that Marduk and Revan had any kind of history together beyond probably a greeting here and there.