[quote=@The Patriarch] People like who laugh at abuse victims make me sick. I've been abused and you think it's funny, you know what you're a goddamn abuse apologist. You love insulting male domestic abuse victims because you're hateful and love hating men. [/quote] I honestly don't believe that you've been abused. If you were, and led this this, then Jesus Christ was that some abuse. [quote=@Vilageidiotx] But believing that you can completely redirect everything about civilization and the real world because you are abused IS, in essence, one of the signs and sins of the style of SJW feminism that you profess to be fighting against. It is the female rape victim who chooses to blame her crime on all men everywhere, or in the reverse, it is the white man walking home from work at night who is mugged in the ghetto and decides to take his frustration out by becoming a violent racist. I understand that abuse sucks, and I am sorry that you had to go through it, but that does not give you leave to become a revenging crusader or anything like that. That is what supervillains do. Remember that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. [/quote] This. If you actually want to stop abuse, try raising awareness for it in a way that doesn't make people run screaming from your cause. Because nobody takes you seriously if you say "Hate and destruction is the only way society will stop throwing me under the bus and calling me a liar". Actually, that just makes people hate you. A lot. Besides, is an internet forum for roleplaying actually the best place? And if you want to stop abuse, why are you fighting feminism? Why not try to actually solve the problem instead of fighting against people NOT trying to solve the problem? That would be like the Allies attacking Switzerland during WWII.