[Spruce] Something was certainly strange with Team Zan, as they would just get back up after taking a beating from one of us. Not only that, but a random pokemon just decided to barge into our fight, a beldum, to be more precise. I honestly didn't mind, as it seemed to be attacking the enemy, and heck, even declared that it wanted to join up with one of our teams. Not mine, the other one, Team Bee, or whatever. I notice the bright light that appears whenever one of them gets knocked out, and decide that they might be using that to hide something. I attack the koffing with a void whip, focusing on hitting a weak spot. I manage to find and hit said weak spot, and then shield my eyes as the bright light fills the area once more, and for some reason, a wall of intense heat accompanied it this time, which obviously hurt quite a bit. Due to me shielding my eyes, I could just barely make out another shape trying to pull the koffing backwards. I attack whatever it was, and the light dies down to reveal it as another koffing, oddly identical to the original, or, whichever one I actually attacked. "Uh... Uh-oh! The jig's up, boss!" the koffing shouts back to... somewhere. "Fine, then, since they already know about our little plan, let's see if they can take on ALL OF US!" after that, many more koffing, sneasel, and zubat appear from the forest, flooding the area, as there was a total of ten of each. "Uh..." was all I could manage, as I finally remember that they each have a type advantage (and the zubat have two) against me. I take a few steps back, and look at the horrible situation that I accidentally caused. Each and every one of them seemed to look at me with sheer malice. [hr] [Anthony] I do my best impression of someone shaking their head, and respond with "I dunno. I mean, apparently I knew that kadabra back there on Mt. Bristle," I then focus my attention on the battle again, where the zubat smiled at me as if he had a plan. I prepared to counter whatever he could throw at me, but I certainly wasn't expecting what came next. He somehow created a wall of fire and heat, which covered our half of the battlefield, conveniently missing his own teammates. It didn't do much to me, and, most likely Josh, but I worried for the sake of our newest teammate, as well as that magnemite... oh, and that Spruce guy, too, I guess. I couldn't counter it, however, and just as I was trying to attack, that bright light filled the area again. Spruce revealed a second koffing, who shouted back at his invisible boss, and made the situation literally ten times worse. Spruce seemed to be at a loss for words, and all I could say was "How...? When...? WHY!?" the look on Spruce's face was, honestly, priceless, as he looked as though he finally figured out that he really shouldn't have any business fighting ice, poison, and flying types, as if this concept just dawned on him now. I resisted the urge to laugh as there was something much more important to deal with, the multitude of enemies that practically appeared out of nowhere. [i]There's no way someone as weak as they are have this many teammates. There HAS to be something else at work here, or, someONE else.[/i] I think as I check the nearest enemy, a zubat, who seemed particularly mad at our magnemite friend. Said zubat, like all the others, had a giant bandage on his head, however, something was off... this one's head was dented, as if he had suffered some serious blunt trauma recently. The others had the bandage, as if they were trying to keep up the illusion, but only one of them had a disfigured head, at least, the only one I could see that had a disfigured head. [hr] [Bonnie] Eralion was talking about setting up traps, and I nodded, saying "Yeah, you should go deal with that," I then hear William saying something about them possibly not being able to walk, and I think about it for a moment, until coming up with "Then why don't we just teleport them? I'm sure they wouldn't care if they lost items, they most likely don't have any, and honestly, wherever the badge sends them, it's going to be safer than here. We'll each take some of the quick seeds from that bag, and run from captive to captive, freeing as many as possible... and then use one extra quick seed to run the heck away from this place. Sound good?" I don't know where I got this sudden surge of courage, but I was not about to waste it. I walked up to William as he froze up from seeing the enemy, in this case, that gallade from before beating up one of the captives. Oddly, I was in such a state that I simply saw him as an obstacle, and figured I had a way to pass by him, mainly through the use of this bag of quick seeds. I take about four, and eat one right away. Unfortunately, quick seeds were notoriously crunchy, so the gallade noticed the sound and started running towards me. I ran into the room, and turned to my left, towards one of the captives, as if I was ignoring the gallade, who thankfully couldn't attack me at this range, and, after just a bit more running, I use my badge to teleport the captive, in this case, an aggron, away from this horrible place. I then started to run towards yet another one, but, one of my friends was more likely to get to them before I could. [hr] [Nina] Rebecca, after taking the leech seed was too unfocused to help me find my oran berry, however, Chip, after attacking and nearly knocking out the shroomish, finds it for me. "Thanks, Chip," I say to him as I eagerly eat the berry, which cleared up my vision a bit, and, obviously, healed me enough to keep me going. I breathe a sigh of relief, and look squarely at the aron, who looked at me with a smug look on his face, as if I didn't have any attacks that could possibly hurt him. I smirk back at him, and probably surprise him with a double kick, kicking the iron-clad creature twice in his face, and sending him back a couple feet. It also seemed to hurt him quite a bit, as he looked a little dazed when I looked back at him, and he started digging around in a bag very similar to my own, though, much like I was, earlier, he didn't seem to have any luck at all with the bag. The abra seemed content to go after me by somehow electrocuting his hand, and punching me in the exact spot where I kicked their aron friend, as if he was trying to mirror the damage done to his friend. It didn't work very well, however, as the abra didn't seem to have very strong arms, and, well, he kinda hit me right on the poisonous spike, the idiot. The rhyhorn decided to focus on Chip with a tackle, and not much else... did that rhyhorn even know any other moves? It should know SOMETHING else, right? Maybe that rhyhorn just liked tackling things for some reason. The shroomish, hilariously tried to use absorb on Rebecca, however, before he could even do so, he just sort of toppled over, apparently from the poison. Through the commotion, the other nidoran continued to snooze, somehow.