[@Lmpkio] See, I guess I can understand where you made your mistakes and why, but the one person who actually reacted to essentially say 'this isn't the time or place to be hostile' and went out of their way to specify that they meant it in a very pleasant tone caused her to fly into a potentially building destroying, innocents-killing rage over...some girl ordering a glass of milk in a slightly-too-sunshine-y way that nobody else was bothered by. If anyone was acting like that on earth or anywhere else I'm pretty sure nobody'd want to interact with them even if they weren't a seven-foot-tall radioactive lizard girl who just beat up some other monstergirl for publicly announced reasons that...sorta, maybe unintentionally sound like a really weird, improbable form of multiversal racism in terms of 'Why are you doing this, I give up, I did nothing personally to you' being responded to with 'All of your kind deserve this!' I mean, it makes sense in context maybe but no one else knows that. It's basically like the multiverse equivalent of a HUGE SCARY MAYBE WHITE-SUPREMACIST-BUT-YOU-DON'T-KNOW BIKER DUDE walking into a bar full of average people after just committing a violent gang beating and proceeding to growl and evil-eye everyone in the bar, then shout at some girl for being too preppy. Everyone's either trying not to notice in the vain hope that you don't start shit or getting ready to call the cops/stop you from trying to kill someone, so it'd take someone waaaaay overly nice to think 'well maybe they just need some friendship!' Granted, I can try and be that person and it's in character for August to try and stop the fight if you don't wanna retcon the rage, but I dunno how it'll go. I really do want things to work out, but you've kind of created a REALLY difficult first impression to get past and I think that's what's making people uncomfortable and I'm not sure anyone else actually GOT that it was just from her fight and that there was a possibility of normal dialogue with her.