[@Dblade26] I do get your point and I do understand that the character might've been a little misleading. Never the less, I really needed something to put some action in as no one else really wanted to do anything about it. And the beginning part was kinda the first line of having someone figure out what was going on. I didn't mean one to challenge her, but rather to talk to her and ask what the hell happened, why the hell did you get her, and stuff like that. I wouldn't mind a battle if it were to come, but granted I would do it. Still, as for the whole bar thing, people can ask what happened outside, same thing really. As for stopping a body of anihilation from destroying the whole bar, you can just simply ask to give her another drink quickly... or just kick Ran out of the building XP (Jk don't do that). TO start a bar fight WITHOUT the Atomic beam, just quickly throw like a chair or a punch to knock her out of that stage. As for the personality, I really thought what I said above would be in some of the people's minds. Hell I would even go up to her and ask her a few nice questions if I were someone else. But I guess the message wasn't too clear I guess. I do hope I cleared out things for everyone, cause unlike that Revan guy, I'm the one that can take objections depending on the situation, with this one being no exception. So yeah lol, thats all Im saying.